History 541: France since 1815 S2002 Prof. Jeremy Popkin
One of the most important developments in 19th-century France was the growth of an urban working class. At several points during the century, the French government commissioned extensive reports on the condition of urban workers. In this class, we will use our reading of the French workers’ first-hand accounts of their own lives in Traugott, ed., The French Worker, to produce our own collective report. Teams of students will work together to develop articles dealing with different aspects of 19th-century French workers’ lives, and we will assemble all these articles into a pamphlet to be shared with all members of the class and posted on the Internet as an educational resource.
Due Date: Contributions for our pamphlet are due in class by Monday, 4 Feb. 2002. Contributions will be turned in as ‘hard copy’ for the professor to grade, but each student will then be responsible for submitting his/her revised contribution in electronic form so that it can be included in the finished pamphlet.
Procedure: Each student in the class will have primary responsibility, either for compiling and writing up information on a topic concerning working-class life in the 19th century, or for one of the editorial tasks involved in assembling the pamphlet. (Editorial tasks will have to be completed after other students have handed in their contributions.) A few assignments may require limited reading in other sources, but most research will be based on the required readings in Traugott.
Editorial Tasks (some of these require special skills):
Workers’ living conditions
Conditions of labor
Workers and the state
Workers’ Organizations
Workers’ Inquiry: Sign-Up sheet and Check-Sheet
Student Name: ________________________________________
Topic or Assignment Preference:
1st choice: _______________________________
2nd choice: _______________________________
3rd choice: _______________________________
Topic assigned (to be filled in by professor): ______________________________
Article handed in: _____________
Revisions made: _______________
Revised article in electronic form: ______________