What Will Be on the Exam: The final exam for History 541 is comprehensive. Questions will test your knowledge of all the material we have covered, from the Restoration to the first round of this year’s French presidential election. However, there is more emphasis on the most recent part of the course (France since the start of World War II) than on the earlier period. Normally, there are two sets of essay questions, one of which asks a question drawing on material from the whole semester, while the other concentrates on the material we have covered since the 2nd midterm. There will also be two sets of ID questions. Finally, there is a small ‘map section’ of the test, in which you will be asked to answer questions by choosing the appropriate numbers from an outline map of France.
Major themes of the course: You can expect questions that will test your ability to explain some of the major changes in French life over the past two centuries: how has the country moved from an agricultural society to an industrial or post-industrial one? By what stages did it go from a monarchy and an elitist political system to a democracy? What influence have the major wars in which France has been involved had on the country? What have been the major cultural trends in France since 1815? How has France’s relationship with the rest of the world developed over this period? You might also be asked to compare France’s most prominent political leaders, to discuss the role of political ideologies such as republicanism and socialism in French life, and to discuss the position of women and ethnic/religious minorities in French life.
Major themes in the last third of the course: What was the impact of World War II on French life? To what extent did France collaborate with Nazi Germany, and why? How did the resistance movement develop? What was Charles de Gaulle’s role in it? What other groups and individuals were involved in it? What happened to France’s Jews during the war? To what extent was French government policy responsible for their fate?
What changes took place in France at the Liberation? What were the characteristics of the Fourth Republic? Why did de Gaulle resign from office in 1946? What was France’s role in the Cold War? What was the significance of France’s colonial wars in Indochina (1946-54) and Algeria (1954-62)? What were France’s relations with the United States after the war, and why were they often conflictual?
How did the 5th Republic differ from the 4th Republic? What were Charles de Gaulle’s major policies, and how successful were they? What was France’s role in world affairs, and in the development of the European Community? What was the significance of the events of May 1968?
How has France evolved since the death of de Gaulle? What was the significance of Mitterrand’s election victory in 1981? Was he able to fulfill his promises? How has the French Jewish community evolved since World War II? What has been the significance of immigration in French life in recent years? How have the French reacted to the increasing integration of Europe? What aspects of recent French history explain the results of the most recent election?
People, Movements, Ideas to Know
(for the earlier parts of the course, see the review sheets for the two midterms—they’re both on the Web site if you need them)