HISTORY 105-401:
S 2005
Professor Jeremy Popkin
Office: 1725 POT
Phone: 257‑1415
Time: Tues. 5:30-8 pm, CB 235 Office Hrs: Tu 3:30-5
pm, W 3:30-4:30 or by appt.
Course Content: This course
will cover the political, social, economic and cultural revolutions that
Course Learning Goals: (1) Students completing this course will have a
basic knowledge of the major events and changes in European history from 1660
to the present; (2) Students will gain experience in understanding and
interpreting a wide variety of historical source materials.
Course Web Page: The course
syllabus, course assignments, and other materials concerning this course are
posted on Professor Popkin’s Web site: www.uky.edu/~popkin.
Requirements: 1. regular attendance at classes and sections and active class participation. Attendance
will be taken and unexcused absences may affect your grade.
2. completion
of required readings (see below)
3. writing
assignments based on assigned readings (assignments will be given out in class)
4. 2 in‑class
midterms and a final exam. Exams include
essay questions, IDs and multiple‑choice
items. Final exam is comprehensive.
Grading: Class participation
25%; writing assignments 25%; midterms 12.5% each; final 25%
Wiesner, Ruff, Wheeler, Discovering the Western
Past, 5th ed., vol. II: Since 1500 (Houghton Mifflin) ISBN 0-618-31293-5
Olaudah Equiano, The Life of Olaudah Equiano (
McCord, The Calling of Katie Makanya (Wiley)
ISBN 0-471-24691-3
Levi, Survival in
In addition to these books, there will be handouts
given out in class which also count as part of the reading assignments. Be sure to keep your handouts so that you can
use them to study for exams.
NB ISBN numbers are provided for your convenience if
you order your textbooks via the Internet.
This is the best way to be sure you are getting the proper edition for
this course.
Be sure to
bring the relevant books to class each week.
Bring your
Writing Assignments
assignments for this class will be graded both for understanding of historical
material and on the basis of ability to write clearly and grammatically.
There will be four graded writing assignments during the semester. Three of these will be based on questions
about the required readings. The fourth will be a book review of a book chosen
from a reading list of works on European history not on our reading list that
will be given out in class.
There will be a number of ungraded writing
assignments, ranging in length from a sentence to a page. These will be given out and collected in
of Reading Assignments
The reading assignments are shown in italics on the syllabus.
NB: Each class meeting will cover two topics, one “before break” and one after. Be sure to do the readings for both halves of
the class beforehand.
18 Jan.: Introduction to the Course:
25 Jan.: (I) Age of Absolutism: Discovering
Western Past, 38-64.
(II) Peasant life: Discovering
Western Past, 95-115
1 Feb.: (I) The European
Enlightenment: Discovering Western
Past, 65-94
*8 Feb.: (I) The French
Revolution of 1789: A New Set of Ideals (handout)
(II) The French Revolution: Popular Participation: Discovering Western Past, 116-42
First essay assignment due
15 Feb: (I) The Napoleonic era (handout)
(II) The First Industrial Revolution: Discovering Western Past, 143-77
*22 Feb: (I) 1ST MIDTERM (covers lectures, readings in
Discovering the Western Past, chs. 2-6, and Olaudah Equiano)
(II) Revolutions of 1848 and
Unification of Germany (handout)
1 Mar.:(I) Liberalism and
Socialism: Discovering Western Past,
Urban Life: Discovering Western Past,
8 Mar.: (I) Age of Imperialism: Discovering Western Past, 247-68
(II) The ‘Woman Question’: Discovering Western Past, 269-97
15 Mar.: Spring Break, no class
*22 Mar.: (I)
Second essay assignment due
*29 Mar.: (I) 2nd MIDTERM
(covers lectures, readings in Discovering the Western Past, chs. 7-10
and Katie Makanya)
(II) Second Industrial Revolution (handout)
5 Apr.: (I) The Great War: Discovering
Western Past, 298-334
(II) Russian Revolution and Interwar period (handout)
12 Apr: (I) Rise of Hitler: Discovering
Western Past, 335-64
(II) The Holocaust: Survival in Auschwitz, all
*19 Apr.: (I) Cold War: Discovering
Western Past, 365-402
(II) Postwar era: Discovering
Western Past, 403-34
Third essay assignment due
26 Apr.: (I)
Concluding discussion
3 May: FINAL EXAM (5:30-7:30 pm, no
break, in regular classroom). Covers all material studied during semester.
Course Policies
1. Late Work and Make‑Up Exams: Late papers are not accepted and make‑up
exams are not administered unless students requesting them can produce documented
evidence of illness, accident or other legitimate cause beyond their control
accounting for absence. Students who
will miss an exam or assignment because of a scheduled university activity must
notify the professor or teaching assistant and make arrangements to make up the
work before the scheduled due date.
2. Plagiarism: Plagiarism and the penalties for it are defined
in the UK Student Handbook. Students
submitting work which is not their own will receive an 'E' for that assignment
and will not be allowed to make it up.
Students should keep materials used in preparing written assignments
until after final grades are received (e.g., notes, rough drafts of written
assignments). Plagiarism includes, but
is not limited to, any unacknowledged use of material copied from another source,
whether that source is a book, journal, Web site, or another student’s
paper. History Department instructors
have access to some very effective Web search engines for detecting
plagiarism—don’t take a chance!
3. Rights, Responsibilities, Attitudes: I take my responsibilities as a teacher seriously
and I expect you to take your responsibilities as students just as seriously. Students are expected to be prepared for
class, to be in class on time and not disrupt sessions by arriving late or
leaving early, and to be attentive and ready to participate during class. No
sleeping, crossword puzzles, private conversations, or instant-messaging during
class! The schedule for this class (one meeting per week, in the early
evening) poses some special problems. In
order to make this class as good a learning experience as possible, please note
the following class rules: (1) no eating during class! You may bring drinks in
spill-proof containers. If you need a snack, eat it before class or during
break. (2) I will schedule a short break about half-way through the class
(about 10 min.), on the understanding that you will be back in your seat
promptly. If necessary, I will take
attendance again at the end of break and you may be counted absent for half the
class if you are late returning from break.
(3) Break is your opportunity to use the rest room: do not disrupt class
by leaving at other times except in an emergency.
4. Modern Technology: Recording
devices are not permitted during lectures and discussions, except for students
who have a valid physical reason for needing them (e.g., inability to take
written notes). Students wearing
earphones during class will be invited to go be bored somewhere else. Beepers, cellular phones and other devices
which may cause a distraction must be turned off during class.
5. Written Assignments: Formal written assignments should be typed or done on a word-processor. Instructors will indicate which assignments need to be typed. Copies of papers that have been xeroxed are not acceptable unless an original copy of the paper is also shown to the professor. Midterm and final exams must be done in standard blue book.