Interface - Analysis_display dialog

Single data files can be displayed in the Analysis_display dialog window. This is opened by selecting Analysis->Single data file from the main SLControl dialog. A standard Windows File Open dialog is displayed and the user is invited to select a single data file ending in either *.slc (Versions 3.3.1 or later) or *.txt. Data files are backwards-compatible so that the latest version of SLControl will open files recorded with all previous versions. The converse is not necessarily so! Only one data file can be opened at a time. If you want to open more than one data file simultaneously, use the Analysis_display->Superposition command.

Tha Analysis_display dialog is an object of class Analysis_display (see the Classes documentation for more information and automatically opens a daughter window of type Fit_control.

Screen-shot of Analysis_display window

Menu options


SLControl displays recorded traces using the Plot class (see Classes documentation for more information.) When the Analysis_display window has focus (i.e. is active) each plot responds to key-board input. The appropriate commands (case insensitive) are displayed in the dialog title bar and are listed below:

A (+Ctrl) moves the active cursor to the left. It cannot be moved further than the beginning of the record. Pressing the Control key at the same time moves the cursor more quickly (at a rate proportional to the length of the displayed portion of the record.)
S swaps the active cursor. The inactive cursor is Blue. The active cursor is Red
D (+Ctrl) moves the active cursor to the right. It cannot be moved further than the end of the record. Pressing the Control key at the same time moves the cursor more quickly (at a rate proportional to the length of the displayed portion of the record.)
E expands the trace between the two cursors. If the cursors are superposed, one of the cursors is moved one point.
W displays the entire record without moving the cursors from their original positions.

Trace records are drawn to screen with straight lines joining consecutive data points. If the cursors enclose more then 2000 points, screen updates are enhanced by plotting only every nth point, where n is the smallest integer consistent with less than 2000 points being drawn to screen. The user is warned if this is applicable by the text "Speed mode" displayed in the bottom right hand portion.

The data values displayed on the x and y axes are the maximum and minimum values enclosed by the cursors. The data plots are scaled automatically to these values. Note that if the plot is in speed mode, these values are not necessarily the maximum and minimum values drawn to screen and this can lead to apparently incongruous scaling effects.

Cursor values

This portion of the display shows the X and Y coordinates for each cursor and the appropriate X or Y difference. Values update automatically when the cursors are moved.
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Force v Time Plot

Displays Force versus Time for the selected region of the data record. See Plots for general features of the plot display.
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Sarcomere Length v Time Plot

Displays measured Sarcomere Length versus Time for the selected region of the data record. See Plots for general features of the plot display. Note this trace only contains useful information if an appropriate sarcomere length signal has been connected to the S1 DAP input. If no input has been connected, the SL record may contain a low-pass filtered mixture of the adjacent DAP inputs due to channel cross-talk in the DAP architecture.
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Fibre Length v Time Plot

Displays Fibre Length versus Time for the selected region of the data record. See Plots for general features of the plot display. Note Fibre Length is derived from the motor position signal in SLControl.
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Force v Sarcomere Length

Displays Force v Sarcomere Length for the selected region of the data record. See Plots for general features of the plot display. As above, this plot only displays meaningful information if a valid Sarcomere Length signal is being recorded.
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Force v Fibre Length

Displays Force v Fibre Length for the selected region of the data record. See Plots for general features of the plot display.
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Record Parameters

Displays the Record Parameters associated with the data file.

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Last updated on 28th February, 2002 by Ken. Force v Time Plot Sarcomere Length versus Time plot Fibre Length (i.e motor position) v Time Plot Force v Sarcomere Length Plot Force v Fibre Length Plot Record Parameters Cursor Values Cursor Values Cursor Values Cursor Values Cursor Values File Options Transform options Offset Options