MAS 201-001:
Communication Technologies and Society
Spring 2019

Readings and Lecture Outlines

These files are saved as Rich Text Format (RTF) and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. RTF files are ASCII text files that retain basic formatting that is common to most word processors. To open a file, just double-click on it, or drag it your Word icon or text reader icon, and if that does not work,, simply start your word processor. From your File menu, choose Open... and select the appropriate file. If you are not sure where the file is once it downloads, use your Find function and enter the file name (for instance, lecture1.rtf, lecture2.rtf, etc.). The PDF files will display in your browser or not, depending on how you have your browser configured. If you haven't changed your browser settings, they will likely display in your browser. Nonetheless, they have downloaded to your hard drive. Again, if you are not sure where the files are, you can use your Find function.

Most of my lecture outlines are fairly detailed. I suggest you download them, open them in your word processor, and hit return three or four times between every line. Then you can use the outline itself for taking notes -- this method will help keep you organized. To that end, I'll do my best to remember to post each class lecture at least 24-48 hours before it is to be delivered, assuming that I've got it done and/or updated by then. So -- keep checking. Having my lecture notes does not absolve you from taking notes, however. Remember that they are only outlines. You still have to fill in the details.


How Stuff Works

APA Formatting and Style Guide


Introducing Electronic Media
JFC's Lecture Outline Media and Entertaiinment Spotlight

Ten Technical Attributes of Communications Systems
JFC's Lecture Outline

Ten Technical Attributes

Early History of Telecommunications
JFC's Lecture Outline

JFC's Lecture Outline

How Electronic Mass Media Work
JFC's Lecture Outline

How Cable and Satellite Systems Work
JFC's Lecture Outline

Recording and the Digital Revolution
JFC's Lecture Outline

Potential Midterm Exam Essays


All About the Internet
JFC's Lecture Outline

How the Internet Works
JFC's Lecture Outline

Science Fiction - Or Not? A Logic Named Joe
JFC's Lecture Outline
Logic PDF File (828 K)

From Internet to Superhighway: The Future of Interactive Services
JFC's Lecture Outline
Future PDF File (520 K)

Shopping on the Internet
JFC's Lecture Outline

Privacy on the Internet
JFC's Lecture Outline

Telecommunications Network Fundamentals
JFC's Lecture Outline
This is a long one. It will go
on for at least a couple of weeks.

Wireless Networks
JFC's Lecture Outline

Potential Final Essay Questions


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