Dr. Jonathan Golding, Full Professor of Psychology

Current Graduate Students

Former Graduate Students

PSY 395 Opportunities

Current Graduate Students:

Kellie Rose Lynch

Kellie Lynch


Ph.D University of Kentucky, 2016, Experimental Psychology
M.S. University of Kentucky, 2013, Experimental Psychology
B.A. Memorial University, St. John's, NL, 2011, Psychology (Hons)

SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Master’s Scholarship (2011)
NSERC URSA Research Award (2010)

Research interests: perceptions, attributions, and legal decision-making in sexual assault and intimate partner violence cases; female offenders' experiences with the justice system.

Nesa E. Wasarhaley

Nesa Wasarhaley


Ph.D. University of Kentucky, 2013, Experimental Psychology
M.S. University of Kentucky, 2010, Experimental Psychology
M.A. Teachers College Columbia University, New York, NY, 2008, Cognitive Studies in Education
B.A. Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, 2004, Psychology (Summa Cum Laude)

College Teaching and Learning Certificate (2011)

Provost’s Award for Outstanding Teaching for Teaching Assistants, University of Kentucky (2012)
Gunto Award for Graduate Student Research in Social Psychology, University of Kentucky (2011)

Research interests: examining the impact of stereotypes and prejudice on perceptions of victims and decision-making in a legal context, especially in cases of abuse (e.g., intimate partner violence, elder abuse, sexual assault).

Former Graduate Students:

Gregory (Brad) Bradshaw, Ph.D. 2007 President & Senior Consultant Bradshaw Litigation Consulting, LLC
Emily Dunlap, Ph.D. 2010   Chatanooga, TN
Jerry Hauselt, Ph.D. 1993 Full Professor, Psychology Graduate Coordinator Southern Connecticut State University
Emily Hodell, Ph.D. 2010   Jacksonville, OR
Terri Kinstle, Ph.D. 2001 Clinical Psychologist & Assistant Professor Holyoke Community College
Dorothy Marsil, Ph.D. 2003 Assistant Professor Kennesaw State University
Rebecca Sanchez, Ph.D.   Research Analyst Research Triangle Institute
Sandra Sego, Ph.D. 1997 Associate Professor, Chair of Psychology Dept. American International College
Theresa Simcic, M.S. 2011 Graduate Student, Public Administration University of Kentucky
John Yozwiak, Ph.D. 2003 Clinical Faculty, Department of Pediatrics University of Kentucky

PSY 395 Opportunities:

If you are an undergraduate at UK and are interested in taking PSY 395 (Independent Study), my primary research interests include:
(1) psychology and law; and (2) memory. 

Please stop by my office or contact me via email or a note in my mailbox if you would like to discuss the possibility of doing PSY 395 with me.

UK Psychology

Website maintained by Jonathan Golding. Created by Nesa Wasarhaley.
Last updated August 2012