
Town and Gown Series, Spring 2003

Lead Instructor: Prof. Janet Carey Eldred


*      English 102 requires students to write two argumentative web essays (major assignments), 1200-1700 words in length, worth 45% of the average final grade.   Major essay #1 is worth 20%; major essay number 2 is worth 25%.

*      In addition to the two major essays, 15% of the grade will be based on an in-class timed writing exam (major assignment).  This exam will take place at the end of the semester.

*      Each essay must include at least three academic library sources. While students may and should use a variety of sources, including popular magazines and newspapers, internet sources, encyclopedias, field research, etc., these sources alone will not satisfy the library requirement.

*      In addition to major assignments, students must write four short writings worth 25% of the final grade:
Schooling Narrative (Web Essay) = 5%
Annotated Bibliography (Major Essay #1) = 8%
Annotated Bibliography (Major Essay #2) = 8%
Review = 4% 

*      15% of the grade will be comprised of a variety of other assignments and requirements, including but not limited to daily work, response papers, participation, presentations, group work, reading quizzes, early drafts of essays, and peer reviews.  All workshops are heavily weighted.

*      Each essay assignment and short writing assignment is made in writing and accompanied by grading criteria.
Schooling Narrative/Grading Criteria
Annotated Bibliography #1/Grading Criteria
Major Essay #1/Grading Criteria
Annotated Bibliography #2/Grading Criteria
Major Essay #2
Major Essay #3 (In-class)/Instructor will supply grading criteria

*      To pass this course, you must attend the scheduled events required by your instructor. Make-ups will be given only in cases of excused absences.




Eldred-University of Kentucky English-University of Kentucky Writing Program-Town and Gown

