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Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 2005. Imagining Rhetoric: Composing Women of the Early United States. (with Peter Mortensen). University of Pittsburgh Press, 2002. Accepted for Publication Literate Zeal: Gender, Editing, and the Making of a New Yorker Ethos (under contract, University of Pittsburgh Press) The Time of Lies (essay) for Revelations: Lives, Lies, Loves, and Loss, eds. Charles Schuster & Sondra Perl (forthcoming, Heinemann) Fashioning the Ordinary Career Citizen: No Exceptions (article) for Women Rhetors Between the Wars, eds. Ann George, Janet Zepernick, Elizabeth Weiser Traveling Literacies. (essay response)for Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s): Affirming Difference. Eds. Elizabeth Flynn, et. al. Work in Progress A second collection of essays A cultural and personal history of Strunk & Whites Elements of Style From Footloose Correspondent to Reporter at Large: A Case Study in New Yorker Editing (article) PublicationsArticles & Pedagogical Essays Composition, or A Case for Experimental Critical Writing. In Labor, Writing Technologies, and the Shaping of Composition in the Academy. Eds. Pamela Takayoshi and Patricia Sullivan. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton P, 2007. A Few Patchwork Opinions: Piecing Together Narratives of U.S. Girls Early National Schooling (with Peter Mortensen). In Girls and Literacy in the U.S.: A Historical Sourcebook, ed. Jane Greer (Part of ABC-CLIO reference series, Childhood and Youth: Studies in History and Culture). Santa Barbara & Denver: ABC-CLIO, 2003. 23-50. Technology as Teacher: Augmenting (Transforming) Writing Instruction. (with Lisa Toner). In Teaching Writing with Computers: An Introduction. Eds. Pamela Takayoshi & Brian Huot. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2003. 33-54. [Composition: An International Journal for Teachers of Writing, 2003 Distinguished Book Award] "Persuasion Dwelt on Her Tongue": Women's Civic Rhetoric in Early America (with Peter Mortensen). College English 60.2 (1998): 173-88. Law, Pluralism, and American Literature. Focus on Law Studies: Teaching about Law in the Liberal Arts 9.1 (1996) 4-5. Researching Electronic Networks (with Gail Hawisher). Written Communication 12.3 (1995): 330-59. Computers and Language. Encyclopedia of English Studies and Language Art. (National Council Teachers of English sponsored project.) Ed. Alan C. Purves. Scholastic Leadership Policy Research, 1994. 690-1. Monitoring Columbia's Daughters: Writing as Gendered Conduct (with Peter Mortensen). Rhetoric Society Quarterly 23.3-4 (1993): 46-69. Teaching Law and American Literature. Focus on Law Studies: Teaching about Law in the Liberal Arts 9.1 (1993): 4-5. Figuring Culture and Literacy in Cather's "Paul's Case." Journal of Narrative and Life History 3.2-3 (1993): 299-318. Gender and Writing Instruction in Early America: Lessons from Didactic Fiction (with Peter Mortensen). Rhetoric Review 12.1 (1993): 25-53. Recognized as one of three outstanding essays in that volume. Exploring the Implications of Metaphors for Computer Networks and Hypermedia (with Ron Fortune). In Re-imagining Computers and Composition: Teaching and Research in the Virtual Age. Eds. Gail E. Hawisher and Paul LeBlanc. Foreword by Edward P. J. Corbett. Portsmouth, N.H.: Boynton/Cook, 1992. 58-73. Reading Literacy Narratives (with Peter Mortensen). College English 54.5 (1992): 512-39. Dissertations based on Reading Literacy Narratives Linnea Marie Hasegawa, Articulating Identities: Rhetorical Readings of Asian American Literacy Narratives. University of Maryland, English, 2004. Caleb A. Corkery, Narrative and Personal Literacy. University of Maryland, English, 2004. Nancy Linh Karls, Pilgrims Progress: The Circulation of Literacy Narratives in Composition Studies. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, English, 2001. Ronald Lawrence Pitcock, Regulating Illiterates: Uncommon Schooling at the Choctaw Academy, 1825-1848. University of Kentucky, English, 2001. Morris Young, Literacy, Legitimacy, and the Composing of Asian-American Citizenship. University of Michigan, English, 1997. Published as Minor Re/Visions by Southern Illinois University Press, 2004. Winner of the CCCC Outstanding Book Award. Kirk Branch. Telling Stories: Language and Lives in Adult Literacy Narratives. University of Washington, English, 1997. Published From the Margins at the Center: Literacy, Authority, and the Great Divide, CCC 50.2 (1998): 206-231. Narratives of Socialization: Literacy in the Short Story. College English 53.6 (1991): 686-700. Pedagogy in the Computer-Networked Classroom. Computers and Composition 8.2 (1991) 47-61. Plot and Subplot in Women in Love: Journal of Narrative Technique 20.3 (1990): 284-295. Computers, Composition Pedagogy, and the Social View. In Critical Perspectives on Computers and Composition Instruction. Eds. Gail E. Hawisher and Cynthia L. Selfe. New York: Columbia University Teacher's College Press, 1989. 201-18. Faulkner's Still Life: Art and Abortion in The Wild Palms. The Faulkner Journal 4.1-2 (1988-1989): 139-158. PublicationsEssays & Creative Nonfiction Just What the Muscles Grope For Fourth Genre 4.2 (2002): 169-73. Modern Fidelity Fourth Genre 3.2 (2001): 55-69. Untitled [Daughters of the University] Comp Tales: An Introduction to College Composition Through Its Stories. Eds. Richard H. Haswell and Min-Zahn Lu. Addison-Wesley, 1999. Children at All Costs. Literal Latte 4.5 (1998) [Roy T. Ames Memorial Essay Award (2nd), Judge: Phillip Lopate], 8-12. The Technology of Voice. College Composition & Communication 48.3 (1997): 334-47. Technology's Strange, Familiar Voices (A different version of The Technology of Voice). In Passions, Pedagogies, and 21st-century Technologies. Eds. Gail E. Hawisher & Cynthia Selfe. Utah State University Press, 1999; Rpt. Literacies and Technologies: A Reader for Contemporary Writers, 1/e, by Robert P. Yagelski, Longman Publishing, July 2000. The Art of Repression. Willow Review 25 (1998): 82-6. PublicationsReviews To Code or Not to Code, or, If I cant Program a Computer, Why Am I Teaching Writing? College Composition and Communication 58.1 (2006): 119-125. Revealing Secrets: Experiments in Academic Genres. College English 66.6 (2004): Worldly Selves: The Generic Potential of Creative Nonfiction. College English 66.1 (2003): 93-104. [Review of Carol Mattinglys Appropriate[ing] Dress: Womens Rhetorical Style in Nineteenth-Century America.] Prose Style 25.2 (2002): 130-32. Looking Forward, Looking Back: Mapping Feminist Cybyerscapes. Journal of Advanced Composition 20.4 (2000): 967-71.PRIVATE  Coming to Know a Century (with Peter Mortensen). College English 62.6 (2000): 747-55. Freelance Articles Freelance writer for Courier Magazine, 2000-2001. Theses Directed Co-director, Ronald Pitcock, Liberatory and Regulatory Literacies at the Early 19th-century Choctaw Academy, 2000. Now Assistant Professor at TCU. Bess Fox, Cultural Studies, Writing, and the Student Body, 2007. Now Assistant Professor, Marymount College (Virginia). Teaching Lower Division Basic Writing (academic writing approach), First-year Writing (personal experience, modes, argument, academic writing, legal studies, mixed genre approaches), WAC (family studies), WAC (writing for engineers), Survey of American Literature, Introduction to Fiction Upper Division Creative Nonfiction, Freelancing Nonfiction, Literary Journalism, Writing about Law and Justice, Writing Literary Analysis, Women Writing, Editing, Style Workshop (including contemporary grammar and usage debates), Style (large lecture), Introduction to Literary Studies, Law and American Literature, Representations of Law in Fiction and Film, Southern Literature, Women's Literature; Text and Context Graduate Creative Nonfiction; Editing; Language, Literacy, and Literature; Rhetorical and Narrative Theory; Technology and Composition (reading seminar); Composition for Teachers; The Essay (reading seminar) Awards Kentucky Foundation for Women, Writing Grant, 2000 [essay writing] Kentucky Foundation for Women, Writing Grant, 1998 [essay writing] Wesleyan Writers Conference, Scholarship, 1997 Finalist, Chancellors Award for Teaching, University of Kentucky, 1991 Finalist, Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Illinois, 1986 School of Humanities Teaching Excellence Award, University of Illinois, 1986 English Department Teaching Excellence Award, University of Illinois, 1986 Invited Lectures and Talks 2007 Editorial Cuts: What Women Could and Couldnt Publish in The New Yorker. University of Pittsburgh, Womens Studies. 2005 Reading from Sentimental Attachments & Lecture on Experimental Critical Writing. Composition/Rhetoric Forum, Miami University, April 2005. Writing in the Disciplines. Bedford/St. Martins Composition Symposium, East Lansing, May 2005. 2000 The Essay: Where Work and Living Meet? Featured speaker for the Thomas R. Watson Symposium on Rhetoric and Composition. University of Louisville. Seminar Leader, Domestic Relations Commissioners Seminar. Legal and Opinion Writing. Lake Cumberland State Resort Park. Administrative Office of the Courts 1999 Women, Genius, and Original Composition. Featured Speaker (with Peter Mortensen). The Second Biennial Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference. Minneapolis. [published as parts of Chapters 4 & 5 of Imagining Rhetoric] 1998 Seminar Leader, 1998 Kentucky Court of Appeals Staff Attorneys' Seminar. Legal and Opinion Writing. Lexington KY. Administrative Office of the Courts 1997 Computers, Literacy, and the Civic Sphere. Respondent for the Thomas R. Watson Symposium on Literacy and Political Participation. University of Louisville. Administrative Office of the Courts, Commonwealth of Kentucky, Circuit Judges Writing Program. Lead Instructor, Shakertown KY. Workshop Leader. 14th National Conference for Higher Education, Integrating Law and the Liberal Arts: A National Symposium for Curricular Development in Urban Community Colleges. (Sponsored by the American Bar Association Division for Public Education in cooperation with RC-2000 and the City Colleges of Chicago). Chicago. 1996 American Language and Literature. Presentation to class at Arkhangelsk Language Institute. Arkhangelsk Russia 1995 Law, Literature, and American Pluralism. Consulting scholar and speaker for NEH-funded, American Bar Association-sponsored National Conversations Project. Chicago. [Published in Focus on Law Studies.] 1994 Using Legal Themes and Materials to Teach Literature and Composition. Invited Speaker, American Bar Association Panel, Community College Humanities Association. San Antonio. Conference Presentations (1999-2009) 2009 The Siren Song of Intangible Heritage. Sharing Cultures 2009. Madalena, Pico, Azores, May 2009. Resisting Collaboration, Revising Collaboration. Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Francisco. March 2009. 2008 Literacy Narratives and the Hidden Internal Polemic of Repatriation. Rhetoric Society of America. Seattle. May 2008. 2007 Heritage 101, or Diasporic Orphans. Second Annual Conference on Adoption and Culture, University of Pittsburgh. October. Fashioning the Career Citizen. Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference. Little Rock, October. Gender, Rhetoric, and Speculative Editing: Some Cases from the New Yorker. Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, 2007. 2006 Ethos, Literacy, & Editorial Memoirs, or Why The New Yorker and Ladies Home Journal Arent So Far Apart. Rhetoric Society of America, Memphis. Combining Graduate and Undergraduate Students in Creative Nonfiction Courses. Creative Nonfiction SIG, Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Chicago. 2005 Surplus Literacy: Women, Editing, and Early Twentieth-Century Class Publications. Fifth Biennial International Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference, Michigan Technological University. The Early 20th-century New Yorker: A Womans Magazine? Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), San Francisco. 2004 Between Rhetorical Curricula and the Rhetoric of Reminiscence: Digital Problems and Possibilities for the Study of Nineteenth-Century U.S. Women (with Peter Mortensen). Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference, Austin. The Social Potential of Composing Selves. Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), San Antonio. 2003 Participant. Memoir Workshop. Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center. Marcie Hershmann. Nineteenth-Century Women Remember the Teaching of Writing. Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), New York 2002 Writing Program Work: Sponsoring, Editing, Authoring. The Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. University of Louisville. Remembering the Rhetoric of Civic Engagement in Early America: Womens Diaries, Letters, Memoirs (read by Peter Mortensen). Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference, Las Vegas. Roundtable on Advances in the Study of Womens Literacies: New Directions for Current Research. Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Chicago. 2001 Panel on creative nonfiction and small-presses in first-year composition program (with Peter Mortensen, Anne Gere, Brenda Brueggemann). Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Denver. 2000 Using Memoir to Teach the Art and Profession of Editing, Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Minneapolis. 1999 "Had I But Their Entire Sympathy": Emotion and Its Rhetorical Limits in Charlotte Forten's Normal School Journals (with Peter Mortensen), Modern Language Association (MLA). Chicago. [Published as part of conclusion to Imagining Rhetoric] Women, Genius, and Original Composition. Featured Speaker (with Peter Mortensen). The Second Biennial Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference. Minneapolis. [Published as parts of Chapters 4 & 5 of Imagining Rhetoric] Independent Studies: Composing a Novel Rhetoric for Early Nineteenth-Century Women (Co-authored and presented by Peter Mortensen), Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. University Park. [Published as part of Chapter 4 of Imagining Rhetoric.] Additional Professional Activities Refereed articles for College English, Computers and Composition, Written Communication, JAC, College Composition and Communication Editorial Board for CCCC book series Studies in Writing & Rhetoric (SWR) Editorial Board for Computers and Composition Judge The Norman Mailer Awards for High School and College Writing (creative nonfiction) KY Judge for NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing, 2000-2002 Reader for E.T.S. (Advanced Placement, SAT, & GMAT, various years) Created, supervised, and taught courses at UK that integrate computers into the curriculum Created, supervised, and taught the First-Year Writing Programs Literary Lecture series, a program that integrates small-press publications and their authors in to a literature-intensive composition curriculum Taught Opinion Writing to Circuit Court Judges & Court of Appeals Staff Attorneys for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Administrative Office of the Courts Editorial Board for FOCUS (Journal of the American Bar Association Commission on College and University Legal Studies), 1993-1995 Faculty Advisor for University of Kentucky Pre-Law-Club, 1994 Selected University of Kentucky Committees & Projects: University Senate, Senate Academic Programs Committee; Dean of Students Ad Hoc Committee on Campus-Wide Writing; A&S Executive Committee; A&S Ad Hoc Committee on undergraduate studies; A&S Deans Search Committee; Writing Program Committee; GWS Steering Committee; English Department Executive Committee; English Department Undergraduate Committee; English Department Ad Hoc Committee on Teaching Assistants; A&S Undergraduate Scholarship Committee; Campus-Wide Instructional Technology; Women Writers Conference.     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