Janet Carey Eldred
Professor Director, The Coordinator,
Upper-Division Creative Nonfiction & Editing |
Instructional Technology “Technology as Teacher” (with Lisa
Toner). In Teaching Writing with
Computers: An Introduction, eds. Pamela Takayoshi & Brian Huot. Houghton Mifflin, 2003: 33-54. [Teaching Writing with Computers was
awarded the Computers and Composition 2002 Distinguished Book Award.] Researching Electronic Networks
(with Gail Hawisher). Written Communication
12.3 (1995): 330-59. Computers and Language. Encyclopedia of English Studies and
Language Art. (National Council Teachers of English sponsored
project.) Ed. Alan C. Purves. Scholastic Leadership Policy Research, 1994.
690-1. Exploring the Implications of
Metaphors for Computer Networks and Hypermedia (with Ron Fortune). In Re-imagining Computers and
Composition: Teaching and Research in the Virtual Age. Eds. Gail E. Hawisher
and Paul LeBlanc. Foreword by Edward P. J. Corbett. Portsmouth, N.H.: Boynton/Cook, 1992.
58-73. Pedagogy in the Computer-Networked Classroom. Computers and
Composition 8.2 (1991) 47-61. Computers, Composition Pedagogy, and the Social View. In Critical Perspectives on Computers
and Composition Instruction. Eds.
Gail E. Hawisher and Cynthia L. Selfe.
New York: Columbia University Teacher's College Press, 1989. 201-18. To Code or Not to Code, or, If I Can’t Program a Computer, Why Am I Teaching Writing? College
Composition and Communication 58.1 (2006): 119-125. Looking Forward,
Looking Back: Mapping Feminist Cybyerscapes. Journal of
Advanced Composition 20.4 (2000): 967-71. [review] 1215 P.O.T. E-mail: eldred@uky.edu Phone: (859) 257-4831 (Writing Initiative) www.uky.edu/UGS/WritingInitiative Phone: (859) 257-1368 ( |