Janet Carey Eldred

University of Kentucky


Director, The U.K. Writing Initiative & the U.K. Writing Center

Coordinator, Upper-Division Creative Nonfiction & Editing


Earlier work in Legal Studies & Narrative Theory

Law, Pluralism, and American Literature.  Focus on Law Studies: Teaching about Law in the Liberal Arts 9.1 (1996) 4-5.

Teaching Law and American Literature. Focus on Law Studies: Teaching about Law in the Liberal Arts 9.1 (1993): 4-5.

Plot and Subplot in Women in Love:  Journal of Narrative Technique 20.3 (1990): 284-295.

Faulkner's Still Life: Art and Abortion in The Wild Palms. The Faulkner Journal 4.1-2 (1988-1989): 139-158.


Contact Information


1215 P.O.T.

University of Kentucky

Lexington KY  40506

E-mail: eldred@uky.edu


Phone: (859) 257-4831 (Writing Initiative)



Phone: (859) 257-1368 (Writing Center)
