Janet Carey Eldred
Professor Director, The Coordinator,
Upper-Division Creative Nonfiction & Editing |
Essays & Creative Nonfiction
Publications “The
Siren Song of Intangible Heritage.”
Sharing Cultures 2009.
Madalena, Pico, Azores, May 2009. “Traveling Literacies.” (essay response)for Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s): Affirming Difference. Eds. Elizabeth Flynn, et. al. “The Time of Lies”
(essay) for Revelations: Lives, Lies,
Loves, and Loss, eds. Charles Schuster & Sondra Perl (forthcoming,
Heinemann) “Composition, or a Case for Experimental
Critical Writing.” In Labor, Writing
Technologies, and the Shaping of Composition in the Academy. Eds. Pamela
Takayoshi and Patricia Sullivan.
Hampton Press, January 2007. “Just What the Muscles Grope For.” Fourth
Genre 4.2 (2002): 169-73. Modern Fidelity. Fourth
Genre 3.2 (2001): 55-69. Untitled [Daughters of the
University] Comp Tales: An Introduction to College Composition Through Its
Stories. Eds. Richard H. Haswell
and Min-Zahn Lu. Addison-Wesley, 1999. Children
at All Costs. Literal Latte
4.5 (1998) [Roy T. Ames Memorial Essay Award (2nd), Judge: Phillip
Lopate], 8-12. The Technology of
Voice. College Composition &
Communication 48.3 (1997): 334-47. Technology's Strange,
Familiar Voices (A different version of The Technology of Voice). In Passions, Pedagogies, and 21st-century
Technologies. Eds. Gail E.
Hawisher & Cynthia Selfe. The Art of Repression. Willow Review 25 (1998): 82-6. In Progress “Diasporic Orphans” part of Composition: More Essays—Academic, Public,
& Personal Reviews “Worldly Selves: The Generic
Potential of Creative Nonfiction.” College English 66.1 (2003): 93-104. “Revealing Secrets: Experiments in
Academic Genres.” Forthcoming College
English Teaching 1215 P.O.T. E-mail: eldred@uky.edu Phone: (859) 257-4831 (Writing Initiative) www.uky.edu/UGS/WritingInitiative Phone: (859) 257-1368 ( |