English 405/605 Editing
Course Descriptions
Course Objectives By
the end of this course, you’ll be expected to ü
Approach an editorial task professionally ü
Initiate and maintain productive relationships
with writers by mastering the etiquette of written and oral queries to
writers ü
Know the significant books and publications in
the field of editing & publishing and consult them when appropriate ü
Know when in the development and production
process editing is needed ü
Know when to check for facts, know which facts
to check & how to check them ü
Know the function of style sheets and style
books and apply their principles with consistency ü
Create a house style when none exists ü
Copymark a document using the established
symbols and conventions ü
Identify and correct the most common errors
(grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling) ü
Understand (at least theoretically) how e-editing
works (we won’t be using computers to edit b/c we don’t have access to either
the machines or the software) In addition to the course objectives for ENG 405, those of
you enrolled in ENG 605 will be expected to demonstrate that you ü Know generally
the history of publishing in the ü Understand
multiple directions for publishing-related research in English Literary or
Writing Studies ü Demonstrate
that you can pursue one form of publishing-related research Overview |