

  1. Incorporate the shopping cart code within jackson.html (instead of using a hidden frame)
  2. A description of the intended use of the printer is stored in the shopping cart
  3. The overall Subtotal, Discount, and Total will be displayed when the "view order" button is clicked

A final version of the codes can be retrieved from:


1.  Incorporate the shopping cart code within jackson.html

-                                             Copy the following functions from cart.html and paste them after the placeorder() function in jackson.html: additem(), addcart(), and viewcart()

[note: we no longer allow an item be removed from the shopping cart]

-                                             Delete the following statement from additem(): this.display=prtitem;

-                                             Make changes (in bold) to viewcart():

function viewcart()

  with (document)




    for (i in cart)


      total = total + cart[i].price;

      if (cart[i].itemcnt !=null);


        write("<TR><TD>" + cart[i].desc + "</TD>")

        write("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>$" + cart[i].price + "</TD>")




    write("<TR><TD>Total = </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>$" + total + "</TD>");



-  change the way viewcart() to be called:

<INPUT TYPE=Button VALUE="Click to view order" onClick="viewcart()">


2.  A description of the intended use of the printer is stored in the shopping cart

-                                            Make changes (in bold) to placeorder() in jackson.html:

  var item=document.order.Product.options[i].text;

  var itemprice=price[i];

  for (var j=0; j<document.order.USE.length; j++)


    if (document.order.USE[j].checked == true)



  item = item + " for " + document.order.USE[j].value; 


3.    The overall Subtotal, Discount, and Total will be displayed when the "view order" button is clicked

-                                             add discount property to an item stored in additem():

function additem(desc, discount, price, itemcnt)


  this.desc = desc; = discount;

  this.price = price;


-  add discount parameter to addcart():

function addcart(desc, discount, price)


  cart[numitem] = new additem(desc, discount, price, numitem);


-  add subtotal, discount, and total display in viewcart():

function viewcart()


  var total = 0;

  var totdis = 0;

  var i = 0;

    for (i in cart)


      total = total + cart[i].price;

      totdis = totdis + cart[i].discount;

    write("<TR><TD>Subtotal = </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>$" + (total+totdis) + "</TD>");

    write("<TR><TD>Discount = </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>$" + totdis + "</TD>");

    write("<TR><TD>Total = </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>$" + total + "</TD>");


-  change the way addcart() is called in placeorder():

function placeorder()

  var discount=0; 




    itemprice=itemprice *0.95;

