
LP problem formulation


Special considerations


4 buyers (or destination): 1, 2, 3, 4

3 suppliers (or origin): A, B, C

Cost of transportation:
  1 2 3 4 Supply
A 12 13 4 6 500
B 6 4 10 11 700
C 10 9 12 4 800
Demand 400 900 200 500  

Objective -- to minimize total cost of transporting goods from suppliers to buyers such that all demands are met

LP formulation:

Let Xij: amount of goods shipped from supplier i to buyer j, where i=A, B, C and j=1, 2, 3, 4

Minimize C = 12XA1+13XA2+4XA3+6XA4+6XB1+4XB2+10XB3+11XB4+10XC1+9XC2+12XC3+4XC4

3 types of constraints:
1.  Amount shipped cannot exceed what is available

XA1+XA2+XA3+XA4 <= 500

XB1+XB2+XB3+XB4 <= 700

XC1+XC2+XC3+XC4 <= 800


2.  Demand must be met

XA1+XB1+XC1 = 400

XA2+XB2+XC2 = 900

XA3+XB3+XC3 = 200

XA4+XB4+XC4 = 500

3.  Non-negativity

Xij = 0

1.  Set up the transportation grid.
2.  Set up the solution grid.
3.  Set up the cost grid.
4.  Use Solver to find the optimal solution.


Special considerations
1.  Solving maximization problem (e.g., maximizing profit)

2.  Total Supply > Total Demand
     Add a dummy destination with 0 cost (any item sent to the dummy destination remains at the origin)

3.  Total Demand > Total Supply
     Add a dummy origin with 0 cost (any supply allocated from the dummy origin represents unfilled demand)

4.  Unacceptable routes
     Assign a sufficiently high cost

5. Must-use routes
     Assign a sufficiently low cost

Pg. 387, Problems 3, 4