Recommended Reading
Specific species
Books pertaining to a specific species.
- Trout by Ray Bergman - Jesper Witzell
- This Wonderful World of Trout, 1963 - Jesper Witzell
- Trout by Earnes Schwiebert, 1984 - Jesper Witzell
- The Atlantic Salmon by Lee Wulff, A.S. Barnes and company, 1959 - Dave Liverman
- The Floating line for Salmon and Seatrout by A. Crossley, London, 1939
- Jesper Witzell
- Salmon Fishing - A Practical Guide by H. Falkus, London, 1984 - Jesper Witzell
- Salmon Flies by P. Jorgensen, Harrisburg, 1978 - Jesper Witzell
- Flyfishing for Salmon and Seatrout by A. Oglesby, 1986 - Jesper Witzell
- Greased Line for Salmon by Jock Scott, 1935 - Jesper Witzell
- Salmon on a Fly by Lee Wulf - Jesper Witzell
- Video: Fly Fishing for Pacific Steelhead - Al Bridgewater
- Steelhead Fly Fishing and Flies by Trey Combs - Al Bridgewater
- LL Bean Fly Fishing for Bass Handbook by Dave Whitlock 1988, ISBN 0-941130-72-2
(primarily lake fishing) - Buck Hall
- Fly fishing for Smallmouth Bass by Harry Murray 1989, ISBN 0-941130-85-1 (stream
fishing) - Buck Hall
- Fly Tying and Fishing for Panfish and Bass, by Tom Keith 1989 ISBN 0-936608-80-3 (lots
on panfish, covers fishing strategies as well as beginning flytying.) - Buck Hall
- Dave Whitlock's "Flyfishing for Bass" -video (3M ?) - Buck Hall
- Dave Whitlock"s "Fly-tying Bass Flies" (Bass Pro Shop) - Buck Hall
- Jimmy Nix's "Tying Bass Flies" ( A Jack Dennis Video.) - Buck Hall
- "The Sunfishes - A Fly Fishing Journey
of Discovery", by Jack Ellis, published by Abenaki Press in 1993. ISBN 0-936644-17-6.
Recommended by
Tom Fry
- Striper by John N. Cole, 1978 - Kevin F. Grennan
- Tarpon Quest by John N. Cole - John Woodling
Contributed by Glenn Baglo, Jesper Wetzell, Dave Liverman and others