L.J. DeCuir: Vita
129 Evergreen Ln., Knoxville, TN 37918
865-688-2270 (Hm)
865-974-4119 (Wk)

Creative Achievement
Publications, Professional Papers and Grants
Honors, Awards and Professional Memberships
Professional Service
Community Service

B.A. - Tulane University, 1967
N.C.O. School - U.S. Army, Ft. Sill, OK, 1969
C.B.R. School - U.S. Army, Ft. Carson, CO, 1970
M.F.A. - Tulane University, 1974
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University of Tennessee, 1977 to present, Courses taught:
Introduction to Lighting and Sound Production, Introduction to Scenic Production,
Introduction to Theatre, Introduction to Lighting Design, Advanced Lighting Design, Sound Design,
Advanced Lighting Production, Design Seminar (Lighting), Design Seminar (Technical Theatre),
Lighting Design for Non-Designers, Projects in Lighting Design, Projects in Technical Theatre,
Studies in Lighting Design, Applied Theatre (Lighting), Applied Theatre (Scenery), Applied Theatre (Management),
Production Workshop, Off Campus Study, Independent Study, Computer Assisted Design for Theatre:
Note: I was also responsible for securing the grants for, planning of and establishing the Dept. Of Theatre
Student Computer Laboratory necessary for this last course. This Laboratory is now utilized by all Dept.
Of Theatre students for many other courses in the curriculum as well.
University of Tennessee, 1977 to present, Committee Work:
Department of Theatre: Director of Graduate Studies, Chair: Graduate Committee;
Member: Academic Standards and Appeals Committee; Member: Curriculum Committee; Author: Department of Theatre Graduate Student Handbook; Member: Univ. Innovative Technology Center Grant Committee; Alternate Representative from College of Liberal Arts to the Graduate Council
Member: Univ. Ad Hoc Committee in the Arts to address the Academic Program Evaluation, Alternate Representative from College of Liberal Arts to the Graduate Council
Department of Theatre and/or Department of Speech & Theatre: Chair of Curriculum Committee for transition from quarter curriculum to semester curriculum and transition from old curriculum to new curriculum. Both transitions involved extensive work with College of Liberal Arts Curriculum redesigning old courses as well as creating new courses. Member of Committee for creation of M.F.A. Degree. Member of Department Academic Affairs Committee. Member of Department Budget Committee. Member of Undergraduate Handbook Committee. Chair of 10 faculty search committees. Member of 18 faculty search committees. Member or Chair of 24 Master's Thesis Committees and 10 Master's Comprehensive Exam Committees.
Previous Instructional Work:
Tulane University: 1970-72, Instructor: Introduction to Theatre; Assistant Instructor:
Lighting Design, Advanced Lighting Design
U.S. Army, Ft. Carson, CO: 1970, Instructor: C.B.R. Training, M105 155mm. Self-Propelled Howitzer Training, Close Order Drill Training
Present Academic Rank
Associate Professor w/ Tenure
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Lighting Design
To view selections of my work, visit my design homepage at:
or click on the highlighted show titles below.
For University of Tennessee Theatres, 1977 to present:
For Clarence Brown Professional Co.:
Always-Patsy Cline,
Terra Nova,
Lend Me A Tenor,
Lettice and Lovage,
Driving Miss Daisy,
Mr. Roosevelt's Train Never Got Here,
Heathen Valley,
Ceremonies in Dark Old Men,
Master Harold and the Boys,
Man of Mode,
The Harmful Effects of Tobacco,
The Man Who Came to Dinner,
She Stoops to Conquer,
The Caretaker,
The Dining Room,
Dr. Faustus,
The Importance of Being Earnest,
The Mikado,
The Male Animal,
The Merchant of Venice,
The Heiress,
Night Must Fall,
The Physicists,
A Horse of a Different Color,
The Imaginary Invalid,
For University Co.:
Jumping The Gun,
The Seagull,
Lost In Yonkers,
The Little Shop of Horrors,
The 1940's Radio Hour,
The Heidi Chronicles,
You're a Good Man Charlie Brown,
Steel Magnolias,
The Crucible,
Noises Off,
Beyond Therapy,
Getting Out,
Peter Pan,
The House of Blue Leaves,
Sweeney Todd,
Summer and Smoke,
Guys and Dolls,
Mr. Roosevelt's Train Never Got Here,
Oh What a Lovely War,
True West,
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum,
It's About Time,
For American College Theatre Festival, S. E. Region: 1996
Lighting Design for S.E. Region Festival
For Theatre Buffo, St. Petersburg: 1991:
U.S. Tour of Masquerade
For Theatres for Young Audiences, 1990:
State of Tennessee Tour of A Midsummer Night's Dream
For Department of Music, University of Tennessee: 1985 to present:
Die Fledermaus,
The Marriage of Figaro,
Albert Herring,
The Bartered Bride,
Cosi fan Tuti,
Lucia di Lammermore,
The Magic Flute,
Die Fledermaus
For Department of Dance, University of Tennessee: 1977 to 1991:
Spring Concert (Department Discontinued after 1991)
For Summer Rep Theatre, University of South Carolina: 1986, 1987:
That Championship Season,
The Marriage of Bette and Boo,
Sand Mountain,
All My Sons,
Brighton Beach Memoirs,
Androcles and the Lion,
The Matchmaker,
For Knoxville Civic Opera Co.: 1979-1986:
I Pagliacci,
La Boheme,
La Traviata,
Cavelleria Rusticana,
Madam Butterfly,
The Merry Widow
For Madewood Arts Festival, Madewood Plantation: 1975-83:
Lighting Designer and Technical Director for Annual Festival
For Knoxville Community Theatre: 1985:
The Glass Menagerie
For The Bijou Theatre: 1982:
For The 1982 World's Fair: 1982
Woody Herman Concert
For The New Orleans Opera Association: 1972-77:
Carmen, LaBoheme,
Lohengrin, LaJuive,
Aida, Il Tabarro,
Der Rosenkavalier, Don Giovanni,
The Barber of Seville, I Pagliacci,
Les Hugenots, Il Trovatore,
La Traviata, Thais,
Madam Butterfly, Tosca
For The New Orleans Ballet Co.: 1974-77:
Annual Concert,
The Nutcracker,
Swan Lake,
For The National Broadcasting Co.: 1976-77:
Location Shots for The Bob Hope Mardi Gras Special
Location Shots for Saturday Nite Live
For The International Bal des Petit Lits Blanc: 1976:
Lumiere for The 37th International Bal des Petit Lits Blanc
For The New Orleans Theatre for the Performing Arts: 1972-77:
During this period I served as resident Lighting Designer and Technical Director for the New Orleans Theatre for the Performing Arts, designing over 150 productions including:
12 light operas, 45 legitimate theatre productions and numerous opera concerts, symphony concerts, rock concerts, fashion shows, industrial shows, national conventions, stand up comics, revivals and other productions.
For Tulane University Theatre: 1970-72:
Designer for 4 productions per year
For Tulane Summer Lyric Theatre: 1970-72:
Designer for 3 productions each summer
For Ft. Carson Little Theatre: 1969:
Designer for 3 productions
Scenic Design
For University of Tennessee Theatres, 1977 to present:
You're a Good Man Charlie Brown,
Oh What a Lovely War,
The House of Blue Leaves,
Getting Out,
A Streetcar Named Desire,
It's About Time
For Knoxville Community Theatre: 1985 to present:
Other Places, Other Faces,
Biloxi Blues,
The Glass Menagerie
For Madewood Arts Festival: 1975:
Il Occasione fa il Ladro
For Tulane University Summer Lyric Theatre: 1971-72
Die Fledermaus
For Tulane University Theatre: 1970-72:
Oh What a Lovely War,
Live Movies,
The American Dream,
Wait Until Dark,
Technical Direction
For American College Theatre Festival, S.E. Region: 1996:
S.E. Region Festival
For University of Tennessee Theatres: 1977 to present:
18 productions
For Department of Music, University of Tennessee: 1985:
The Magic Flute
For Knoxville Community Theatre: 1985,87 & 90:
3 productions
For New Orleans Theatre for the Performing Arts: 1972-77:
over 150 productions (see note under Lighting Designer)
For New Orleans Opera Association: 1972-77:
12 grand operas
For Madewood Arts Festival: 1975-83:
9 festivals
For Tulane University Theatre: 1970-72:
10 productions
For Tulane Summer Lyric Theatre: 1970-72:
6 productions
For Ft. Carson Little Theatre: 1969:
3 productions
Design Advisor for Student Designed Productions:
For University of Tennessee Department of Theatre:1977 to present:
Lighting Design: over 85 productions
Scene Design: over 25 productions
Photographing productions for student portfolios: over 85 productions
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For Heinemann Publications
: To be Released Mar. 1, 2000:
Computer Assisted Design for the Theatre: AutoCAD.
For Heinemann Publications
: To be Released Mar. 1, 2000:
Computer Assisted Design for the Theatre: Painter, Poser and 3DStudioMax.
For United States Institute for Theatre Technology, National Convention: 1999
Chair of Lighting Design Graphics Standards Committee Meeting
"A Comparison of Printers for Theatre Graphics Applications", Presentation
For Southeastern Theatre Conference, National Convention: 1999
"The New U.S.I.T.T. Lighting Design Graphics Standard - What It Means for You",
Chair of Panel Discussion
For United States Institute for Theatre Technology, National Convention: 1998
Chair of Lighting Design Graphics Standards Committee Meeting
"The National Theatre Design Archives: Project 2000", panel member at Convention
For Southeastern Theatre Conference, National Convention: 1998
"Computer Use in Lighting Design Instruction", presentation at Convention
For United States Institute for Theare Technology, National Convention: 1997
Chair of Lighting Design Graphics Standards Committee Meeting.
"A Proposed Graphic Standard for Lighting Design", presentation at Convention
For Southeastern Theatre Conference, National Convention: 1997
"Teaching Auto-CAD for Lighting Designers", paper presented at convention
For United States Institute for Theatre Technology National Convention: 1996:
Chair of Lighting Design Graphics Standards Committee Meeting
Workshop on "Creating a Homepage on the WWW"
"Survey of Membership for New Lighting Design Graphics Standard",
at convention and U.S.I.T.T. Homepage on the WWW
"Towards a New Lighting Design Graphics Standard", U.S.I.T.T. Homepage
on WWW
For United States Institute for Theatre Technology National Convention: 1995:
Chair of "Working Session on New Proposed CADD Graphic Standard"
For Southeastern Theatre Conference Convention: 1995:
"Problems in Stage Photography", paper delivered at convention
"Designs South: Lighting - Featured Designer", exhibition of designs at convention
For United States Institute for Theatre Technology National Convention: 1994:
Co-Chair of Designs Tennessee, Exhibition of Designs by Tennessee Designers
For Southeastern Theatre Conference Convention: 1994:
"A Critical Examination of Available Film Stock for Photography of Theatrical Lighting - Part 2",
paper delivered at Convention.
"Creative Techniques in Theatrical Photography", paper delivered at Convention.
Grant from University of Tennessee: 1993:
Grant for purchase of computer equipment for support of new class on Computer Aided Design for Theatre
For Southeastern Theatre Conference Convention: 1993:
"Exchange Programs in Design with Russia and Central European Countries":panel member.
"A Critical Examination of Available Film Stock for Photography of Theatrical Lighting":
paper delivered at Convention.
Grant from U.S.S.R. and University of Tennessee: 1991:
"Study Tour of Soviet Professional Theatre Companies and Training Facilities"
United States Institute for Theatre Technology, Master Class: 1987:
Taught Master Class in Scenic Projection.
For Southeastern Theatre Conference Convention: 1985:
"The Post Modern Production: Directorial and Design Approaches", paper delivered at Convention.
For Southeastern Theatre Conference Convention: 1983-86:
"Designs South - Lighting", panel at Convention; Chair: 1984-85, Participant: 1983-86
For Southeastern Theatre Conference Convention: 1984:
"Photographing Theatrical Productions: Problems and Solutions", paper delivered at Convention
For American Theatre Association Convention: 1982:
"Glynebourne on the Bayou, an Analysis of Design in a Small Louisiana Opera Co.", paper delivered at Convention
For American Theatre Association Convention: 1981:
"Photographing Stage Lighting", paper delivered at Convention
For Lamar House-Bijou Visual Arts Series: 1980:
"Four Man Graphic Show", Gallery Showing of works
For Tennessee Theatre Association Convention: 1979:
"Creating and Using Adapted Spaces for Theatres", paper delivered at Convention
For TABS (British Theatre Architecture Journal): 1973:
"New in New Orleans: Technical Innovations at the New Orleans Theatre for the Performing Arts", Article published in journal
For United States Institute for Theatre Technology Convention: 1976:
Local Arrangements Chairman for Convention
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Ewing Gallery, Univ. of TN: Feb., 1996:
Lighting Design for Gallery Presentation
Professional Workshop: Summer 1996:
"Use of Auto-CAD in Lighting Design"
For Apple Computers, Design and Drafting Services: 1995 to present
Consultant on Lighting and Sound Design Applications for MiniCad Program for Mac Computers
For Tennessee Wesleyan College: 1993:
Consultant on adapting existing space to theatrical use and upgrading present theatrical spaces.
For Pulaski Little Theatre: 1993:
Consultant on improving quality of stage lighting design.
For Single Candle Software: 1992 to 1994:
Beta Testing for new Lighting Design Software.
For Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee: 1991:
Consultant for scenic and lighting design for Ceremony of Installation of Bishop.
For Tennessee Valley Little Theatre: 1991:
Consultant for selection and utilization of new lighting equipment.
For Knoxville Community Theatre: 1987:
Consultant on conversion of adapted space to theatrical facility.
For Oak Ridge National Laboratory: 1981-84:
Consultant on research project for television monitor lighting for remote manipulative
devices, Breeder Reactor Project.
For Knoxville Dinner Theatre: 1982:
Consultant on conversion of adapted space to theatrical facility.
For Terrace Dinner Theatre: 1980:
Consultant on conversion of adapted space to theatrical facility.
For Walter's State Community College: 1979:
Consultant on theatre architecture for new facility.
For Madewood Arts Festival: 1978-83:
Consultant on theatre architecture for new production facilities.
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Lighting Design for The Heidi Chronicles, production selected from the state of Tennessee to
participate in Southeast Region American College Theatre Festival, 1991.
Lighting Design for Mr. Roosevelt's Train Never Got Here, production selected from the state of
Tennessee to participate in Southeast Region American College Theatre Festival, 1981.
The Monroe Lippman Founder's Award, Tulane University, 1971.
Best Actor Award, Ft. Carson Little Theatre, 1969.
Phi Beta Kappa, Tulane University, 1967.
Magna cum Laude, Tulane University, 1967.
The Milton H. Latter Award for Outstanding Service to University Theatre, Tulane University,
Outstanding Undergraduate Award, Department of Sociology, Tulane University, 1967.
Member: South East Theatre Conference
Member: United States Institute for Theatre Technology
Member: International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees, Local No. 39
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U.S.I.T.T., Chair of Lighting Design Graphics Standards Committee, 1994 to present
U.S.I.T.T., Theatre Design and Technology: Member of Readers Jury: Lighting, 1994 to present
U.S.I.T.T., Portfolio Review Committee, 1996 to present
U.S.I.T.T., The National Theatre Design Archives: Reviewer, 1996 to present
U.S.I.T.T., "Towards a New Lighting Design Graphics Standard", 1996-7,
Publication on U.S.I.T.T. Homepage on WWW
American College Theatre Festival: 1996:
Adjudicator for South East Region for entry from University of Kentucky
American College Theatre Festival: 1995:
Adjudicator for South East Region for entry from Berry College
American College Theatre Festival: 1994:
Adjudicator for South East Region for entry from Middleton College
American College Theatre Festival: 1993:
Adjudicator for South East Region for entries from Berry College and Middle Tennessee
State University.
American College Theatre Festival: 1992:
Adjudicator for South East Region for entries from East Tennessee State University and
Middle Tennessee State University.
American College Theatre Festival: 1991:
Adjudicator for South East Region for entries from Middle Tennessee State University
and Berry College.
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Theatre Knoxville (formerly Knoxville Community Theatre):
Member Board of Directors 1987 to present
Laurel Theatre: 1987 to 1995:
Member: Board of Advisors
Knoxville Zoological Park: 1982 to 1986:
Advisor on lighting for reptile reproduction.
University of Tennessee Medical Center at Knoxville: 1991 to 1996:
Volunteer in ADRC.
Human-Animal Bond in Tennessee: 1986 to 1995:
Volunteer in program.
Tennessee Dog Federation: 1987 to 1994:
East Tennessee Delegate.
For Menasha Ridge Press: To be Released Dec., 1999:
Southeastern Flies: A Collection of Flies From and For the
Southeastern United States
"The Fly Tyer's Bench", Monthly Column in Fly Fishing Newletters in TN, NV, MI, FL and VA , 1996 to present
"Directory of Animal Services and Organizations", homepage on WWW for H.E.R.O.
(Humane Eductation and Responsible Ownership (HERO) of Pets, A Consortium of The Cat Clinic, Human-Animal Bond in TN,
Humane Society of The Tennessee Valley, The Knoxville Academy of Veterinary Medicine, The Oak Ridge Kennel Club, and The
UT College of Veterinary Medicine), 1999 to present
"Oak Ridge Kennel Club Homepage", 1997 to present
"Flyfishing in East Tennessee", homepage on the WWW, 1994 to present: recipient of numerous awards for being
among the best fly fishing pages on the Web
"Great Smoky Mtn. Chapter of Trout Unlimited", homepage on the WWW,
1995 to present
"Cold Water Fisheries Conservation in East Tennessee", presentation to Lexington
Chapter of Trout Unlimited, 1996
"Cold Water Fisheries Conservation in East Tennessee", presentation to Ft. Worth
Chapter of Trout Unlimited, 1996
"Flyfishing Screensavers for Computers", Article in Currents, 1996
"The Damsel Wiggle Nymph", Article in Currents, 1996
"The Belle Watling", Article in Currents, 1996
"Fly Fishing on the WWW", Article in Currents, 1995
"The Pheasant Tail Midge", Article in Currents, 1995
"The Yallerhammer and Other Flies of the Great Smoky Mountains", Article published in Fly Fishing Picayune, 1995
"Fly Fishing Las Vegas", Article published in Flyline, 1995
Trout Unlimited Great Smoky Mtn. Chapter (Secretary 1996 to present)
American Kennel Club
Oak Ridge Kennel Club (Secretary: 1988 to 1994, President 1994-96, Secretary, present)
Bulldog Club of America
Music City Bulldog Club
Smoky Mountains Bulldog Club (Founding Member & Member: Board of Directors)
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Dr. Lorayne Lester
Dean, College of Liberal Arts, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996
Dr. Tom Cooke
Chair, Department of Theatre, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV
James Campbell
Managing Director, New Orleans Theatre for the Performing Arts,
801 N. Rampart St., New Orleans, LA 70116
Peter DeLaurier
Phelan and DeLaurier Productions, 708 Nottingham Rd., Newark, DE 19711
Bill Farlow
Lyric Opera of Chicago, 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago IL 60606
Jim Patterson
Department of Speech and Theatre, University of South Carolina,
Columbia SC 29208
Robert Moyer
Department of Drama, North Carolina School for the Arts,
Winston-Salem NC 27103
William J. Buck
Director of Design, Department of Theatre, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
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