The Gartside Pheasant Hopper

Tied by Lindsey Grandison,

This fly is was originated by Jack Gartside and is described in one of books but I'm not sure which one. References with photographs may be found in "The Book of Fly Patterns" by Eric Leiser and "Flies for Trout" by Dick Stewart and Farrow Allen.


Hook: Dry Fly, 2XL, such as Mustad #94831, #6-#12
Thread: Match of body color, Monocord #3/0
Tail: Dark Moose Body hair fibers, gap width in length past hook bend
Rib: Furnace hackle palmered over body. Barbules cut from top half. Barbules on bottom half are tapered so that fibers are a half a gap width at hook barb and a full gap length at eye at end of body
Body: Poly Yarn. Appropriate colors include yellow, tan, gray, or olive
Underwing: A dozen very fine natural brown deer hair fibers to center of tail
Wing: Mottled ringneck pheasant back feather dipped in spar varnish and dried. Tip V-notched.
Collar: Dozen natural brown deer hair fibers tied along sides of body and extend half a shank length
Head: Deer hair spun and trimmed square in shape. Colr is natural gray or dyed tan, olive, or other.

Notes on tying:

The pheasant back feather used in my ties is known as the church window feather. There are other feathers back there that will also give intriguing flies. I used Dave’s Flexament (thinned out with thinner) to treat the feather. Dipped feather into the cement and took off excess with a bodkin. Then set the feather to dry. Stand the feather upright by placing the stem in a narrow hole made in a thick styrofoam sheet. This was the most successful way of drying the treated feather. The cement will attach the feather to any surface you place it on.

Notes on submitted fly:

Size #8, Mustad #94831 was used. The body was made from tan poly yarn and the thread used was #6 tan.