Tied by: Leif Y. Carlstedt,
The word GETING is Swedish for wasp, and should be
pronounced "yeting" The following is mainly excerpted from
Lennart Bergquist's excellent book "Flugbindning - paa mitt sett"
(My way of fly tying), which has almost become a bible for
Scandinavian imitation fly fishers. I'm responsible for the
translation from Swedish, and I have also added some tips from
my own experience.
The GETING has a simple design with a body made up of four
equally sized sections of trimmed deer hair, in alternating black
and yellow colours, and a 1x undersized front hackle.
Hook: Mustad 94833, #10 (alt. Mustad # 80000)
Thread: Danville Fly-Master 6/0 Black
Body: Black and yellow deer hair
Hackle: Dark Dun (alt. Chocolate Dun)
1. Cover the hook shank with thread leaving the thread at the
bend. Cut off a small bunch of black deer hair and remove the tips,
leaving only the lower 1/2 inch of the hair. Hold the hair on top of
the shank and put to turns of thread around it. Tighten the thread,
letting the hair spin around the shank. When the hair is evenly
spread, make to more turns at the same place, then proceed with
some turns forward through the hair. Press the hair backwards
and make some additional turns in front to make the hair stay in
this position. The black deer hair should now cover 1/4 of the
total body length.
2. Repeat this procedure in a similar manner with the yellow deer
hair, ensuring that the first turns are made as close to the previous
section as possible. After tightening the first two turns, go
backwards with the next to turns before making four or five turns
forward through the hair. Press the hair backwards with the
3. Repeat the procedure with black deer hair, then with yellow.
Fix the thread with a whip finish and cut off. Trim the body into
the desired shape using scissors. Cut the body flat on its underside
to ensure a large hook gap. The rest of the body should be round
with a short taper at the rear end, just like the natural insect.
4. When satisfied with the shape of the body, place the hook in
the vice again, fix the thread and a 1x undersized hackle (i.e.
suitable for hook #12), and make 5-6 turns with the hackle before
finishing off with a couple of whip finishes.
It may be a bit tricky to get the body right. If you're having
problems, practice on a larger hook until you've got it right. If the
thread breaks, use a stronger thread until familiar with the
The GETING was earlier tied with delta wings made from hackle
tips. After experiencing that worn out flies having lost their wings
caught just as many fishes, the pattern was changed omitting the
I believe that one of the characteristics which makes the GETING
work as a wasp imitation is its very distinct body contour.
It's therefore my opinion that the body shape should be made as
close to the natural as possible.
Fishing instructions
The GETING should be fished as any ordinary dry fly. Apply a fly
floatant.Due to the hollow deer hair, the buoyancy of the fly is
It may be fished dead drift (typically in rivers) or retrieved slowly
with short pauses to attract attention.
Fishing story (by Lennart Bergquist)
During a period in the late summer, usually in September, wasps
become available as a prey for the fish. The air has become colder and
some days can be real chilly. This makes the wasps slow and weak, and
astonishingly often wasps fall down to the surface when trying to cross
a water.
On such a day, my fishing buddy Sten and I was down in a fishing
area with put-and-take waters south of our home town Arvika. When
we got up to the lake we could se occasional rises over the mirror
blank surface.
Two weeks before, a small black ant imitation had worked well so
I made that my initial fly choice. Sten, however, put on his favourite
fly, the Europea 12, as usual. After a while (during which none of us
got any strikes), I changed to a dry midge. I had seen that the fish was
rising eagerly each time the midges were observed. Still no success.
Then I put on the Geting. That made the difference. Simultaneously
with the Geting landing on the water, a rainbow took the fly. I landed
it, put it back again and continued fishing. After six fishes I could
hear Sten's voice from over the lake.
- Which fly do you use?
- A Geting.
Sten got in a hurry and came as a panting bull moose through the wood.
- Do you have more of these flies?
- No, that was the only one.
- Aren't you a professional fly tyer?
- Yes, but I have too many fishing buddies like you. Anyway, I've
had enough fun for a while, you can borrow it.
- Throw it over here! was the immediate answer.
After Sten had changed to the Geting, he caught three rainbows in
short time, all of them around 2 pound, and then released them. Meanwhile
, I tried a Streaking Caddis which usually works well, but on this
particular day only the Geting was working.