The following are siglines used by members of the Listserv
A bad Day fishing beats the hell out of debugging someone else's C++
Blessings upon all that hate contention and love quietnesse and virtue,
and Angling...Izaak Walton.......................................PJ
"Bother", said Pooh as he struggled with his condom..............MW
"Bother", said Pooh as he called in an air strike................MW
Catching an occasional fish is to the enjoyment of trout fishing what
encountering an occasional oyster is the enjoyment of oyster stew:
gratifying, yes, but far from everything...Robert Traver....SR
Catching fish is just one of the many things one can accomplish while fly
A cheap shot is a terrible thing to waste......MW
A cheerful comrade is better than a waterproof coat and a footwarmer...
Henry Van Dyke, 1899.....FS
Cottleston, Cottleston. Cottleston Pie, A fish can't whistle and neither
can I...Winnie the Pooh.... WB
Do fishermen eat avocados ? This is a question no one ever thinks to
ask....Russell Chatham
Eat the rich. The poor are tough and stringy........MW
Entomology is not buggery.......DM
Fish, fly-replete, in depth of June,
Dawdling away their wat'ry noon.
Rupert Brooke; "Heaven", 1915.........IM
Fish now, you're dead one hell of a long time........GM
Fishing is not a matter of life and death: It's much more important than
Fishing the Wooley Bushgrabber throughout North Texas.....LC
Flinging the world's most expensive clothsline.....BS
Flyfishers do it with longer rods.....MK
Flyfishing is like sex. Everyone thinks that there is more than there is,
and that everyone else is getting more then their share
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you
get rid of him on weekends.............PJ
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent fishing
...Babylonian Proverb..............PL
Good fishing and let those drags do their jobs.......GH
A hell of a guy who would be willing to fix all the world's problems ...
if somebody would just buy the duct tape. ............ML
Honest officer, the dwarf was already on fire when I got here!......MW
I'd answer my mail; but I'm probably gone fishing !.....SW
"I'd rather be fishing and thinking of God than sitting in church and
thinking of fishing." unknown.....CB
I fish because I love to; because I love the environs where trout are
found, which are invariably beautiful....and....not because I regard fishing
as so terribly important, but because I suspect that so many of the other
concerns of men are equally unimportant and not nearly so much fun....
I fish, therefore I lie..........MD
If fishing is a religion, fly fishing is high church....Tom Brokaw...LW
If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there
would be a shortage of fly rods........DC
"If you swear you will catch no fish" English Proverb. Apperson c. 1607
"If you flame you will catch no fish" W. Nevada Proverb. PM c. 1996
If you have never picked up a fly rod before, you will soon find it is
factually and theologically true that man, by nature, is a damn mess.....
Norman Maclean.....CG
Innocence is a wild trout. But, we humans, being complicated, have to
pursue innocence in complex ways....Datus Proper...PJ
It's flyfishing, thus overly complicated......BP
Live to Fly Fish, Fly Fish to Live..KO
Lord when I go to that trout stream in the sky let it be with my
felt-bottom boots on.......GRW
Mama always said, "Management is as management does."..............RP
May he bear his first child himself, and may that child be born fully
clothed and shod...Ancient Irish Curse...HS
May your leaders sink, your felts hold, and your flies float high....JD
Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.
...Mark Twain......................................................TC
No solution, however drastic can work unless we reduce the population.
Let's leave our kids a pleasant place to live......RY
"Only Nixon could go to China." (an Old Vulcan Proverb)...............CC
Our thanks to the makers of Charmin, Who've helped us with our Snake-in-
the-water-near-us-while-fishing problems. Thank You!..........CF
Political Correctness, McCarthyism for the 90's.............LC
Q. How many rods can a guy own before his wife throws him out ?
A. I'm not sure, but I think the experiment is almost complete........SW
Seeeg file? I don't need no steeeeeenking seeg file!...DV
Share your values and skills with a Kid today......BW
Sig files are the bumper stickers of the information superhighway.....BS
Some mornings it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through those
leather straps...Emo Phillips.....JL
Speak the truth, but leave the motor running.....MW
That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.......Nietzsche....RR
That trick *never* works.....Rocket J. Squirrel.....MW
The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but
attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope....John Buchan,
Lord Tweedsmuir....BC
The dice of the Gods are Always loaded.....EB
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance......
it is the illusion of knowledge.......PS
The only thing that works in this building is the coffee pot.......RP
"There are only two things that money can't buy, and that's true love
and homegrown tomatoes"...Guy Clark............................PL
The sum of the whole is this; walk and be happy; walk and be healthy.
The best way to lengthen our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose
...Charles Dickens....BH
The way to a man's heart is through his fly.........Unknown
Three fourths of the Earth's surface is water, and one fourth is land.
It is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount
of time fishing as taking care of the lawn....CC
This is the winter of our disk content............TL
To him, all good things -- trout as well as eternal salvation--
come by grace and grace comes by art and art does not come easy
......Norman Maclean....BP
To think like a fish, you have to drink like a fish.......MD
trout can be relied upon to upset and confound
both the theories and the practice of the fly-dressing
fisherman...and it can be very good for the soul.
.....W.H. Lawrie, 1966......DP
"Un-dish-cover the fish, or dishcover the riddle."...Lewis Carrol.....DM
"Wader liners? I don' need no steenkin' wader liners!"...Bogey Humphart
in "The Treasure of the Milwaukee River".........MW
"We have seen the enemy...and he is us..."
Mr. Pogo...Okeefenokee Swamp, 1958.......RV
"Well if you wanta talk fishin', I guess that'll be OK."
.........Lynyrd Skynyrd...WC
"We've got cabin fever, lost what sense we had.
We've got cabin fever, we finally have gone mad."....Muppet T.I......RP
"What a wonderful world it was once when all the beer was not made in
Milwaukee, Minneapolis, or St. Louis."...Norman Maclean...............MV
What I've always liked about science is its independence from authority...
..Ontario Science Center...DP
What has 4 legs and 1 arm? A happy pit bull........................MW
What is the circumference of a pumpkin divided by it's diameter?....
Pumpkin Pi......CC
Who are you going to believe, me or your own two eyes...Grocho Marx..GT
Work: Something to do between fishing trips.......P.Earp....JT
Churchill's Commentary on Man: Man will occasionally stumble over the
truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on .....TF
To iterate is human, to recurse is divine...L.P. Deutsch.....KH
Keep your nose to the grindstone - It sharpens your snot.....TP
Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one.
If you don't like mine, get over it and get on with your life!....MW
Fear not my son ... when you finally figure out the question,
the answer will be beyond your reach....JBH
From now on, nothin' for me but fishin'! And no more wabbits!
...E. Fudd...JM
Piscari ergo sum....CF
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other
invention in human history, with he possible exception of
handguns and tequila....BW
So I sez to myself, "Self, I sez, we gotta find a way to
accentuate the positive here." So here, without further ado
are the Top 10 Best Things about FF@
Anton, could I have a drum roll please....
10. Cozy, down-home, pull up a chair around the stove flyshop
atmosphere (provided your flyshop is big enough to hold 1,300
9. Advice readily available on most any topic, some even related
to flyfishing and not requiring the insertion of any untoward
objects into bodily orifices.
8. Always someone willing to point out the location of the "D"
7. Two words - HK Tips!
6. It's not!
5. Not one "OJ" thread throughout entire trial!
4. You don't have to actually *eat* the Spam!
3. Hundreds of people from all over the world coming together and
sharing parts from dead animals!
2. Since Chaz Clover got a new job, no references to smelly pet
And, the Number 1 best thing about FF@...
The Webmaster has decreed - The new FF@ Web Page will contain no
links to Creed Taylor's butt!
Music up and out to commercial: "Play That Funky Music, White Boy"
We'll be right back after this message..............MW