Catalpa Worm

Tied by Dan Dailey, obtained from American Angler, Mar/Apr 1992
Hook: Mustad #79580, #4-8
Thread: Black, #6/0
Tail: Goose biot segments, black
Body: Cream or pale yellow lamb’s wool
Overbody: Black Chenille
Hackle: Black, stripped on one side, clipped closely on finished fly
Head: Black, #6/0
Tying Instructions
1. Wrap thread around the hook shank and stop at the bend of the hook.
Mustad #79580 was substituted from the original pattern calling for a Mustad
3261D, #8
2. Tie in 2 goose biots to form a V-shaped tail.
3. Remove the fibers from one side of a black hackle. Attach hackle to hook
above the tail with a couple of thread wraps.
4. Attach chenille the length of the shank,
5. Select a segment of wool with the fibers longer than the hook shank.
Attach the tips of the fibers to the hook with a couple of wraps and move
thread to the eye of the hook. The butts of the fibers will extend well
beyond the back of the hook. Use enough wool to form the body’s thickness.
The body will be shaped by bending the wool backwards towards the hook’s eye.
Position the wool so that it encircles the entire hook. Secure the wool to
the hook at least 1 eye diameter behind the eye of the hook.
6. Pull the chenille over the top of the body. Hold firm and secure with
7. Rib the fly with black hackle.
8. Form the head with black thread.
9. Clip the hackle fibers close to the body of the fly. Place a slight bend
in the shank of the hook.