Finance Committee Meeting
Gatton Student Center, Harris Ballroom

Finance Committee Meeting
Gatton Student Center, Harris Ballroom
Friday, June 16, 2023
9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
Chair: Kimberly Scott McCann
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes - April 28, 2023
IV. EVPFA Report
Angela Martin, Vice President for Financial Planning and Chief Budget Officer
V. Business Items
A. FCR 1 Acceptance of Pledge Gatton Foundation
B. FCR 2 Acceptance of Gift Helen Hill
C. FCR 3 Acceptance Interim Financial Report
D. FCR 4 Authorization, Issuance and Sale of General Receipts Refunding Obligations
E. FCR 5 AY 2023-24 Tuition and Mandatory Fees
F. FCR 6 FY 2023-24 Operating and Capital Budget
G. FCR 7 Disposal of Personal Property
H. FCR 8 Approval of Improvements to Leased Space
I. FCR 9 Construct Agriculture Research Facility 1 Capital Project
J. FCR 10 Construct Health Education Building Capital Project
K. FCR 11 Funding Revision Various Projects
L. FCR 12 Approval of Disposal
M. FCR 13 Approval of Disposal
VI. Research Report
Lisa Cassis, Vice President for Research
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjournment