University Health Care Committee Meeting
Gatton Student Center, Harris Ballroom

University Health Care Committee
Gatton Student Center, Harris Ballroom
Thursday, June 15, 2023
2:45 - 4:30 p.m.
Chair: Britt Brockman
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes – April 27, 2023
IV. Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Update
Robert DiPaola, Provost and Co-acting Executive Vice President for Health Affairs
Eric Monday, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration and Co-acting Executive Vice President for Health Affairs
Mark Birdwhistell, Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer
V. 2023 UK HealthCare Engagement Survey
Amberlee Fay, Enterprise Director, Office of Patient Experience
VI. FY2023 Enterprise Goal Performance and Proposed FY2024 Goals
Jay Grider, Chief Physician Executive and Quality Officer
Jennifer Rose, Associate Vice President, Performance and Core Clinical Services
A. UHCCR 1 FY2024 UK HealthCare Quality Assurance and Safety Performance Improvement Plan
VII. FYTD April Operational and Financial Update and Proposed FY24 Operational and Financial Plan
Craig Collins, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Pete Gilbert, Senior Vice President and Chief Operations Officer
VIII. UK HealthCare Medical Staff
Jay Grider
A. UHCCR 2 UK HealthCare Medical Staff Bylaws
B. Privileges and Appointments
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment