University Health Care Committee Meeting
Gatton Student Center, Harris Ballroom

I. Welcome and Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes - September 15, 2022
III. Committee Chair's Report
E. Britt Brockman, MD, Committee Chair
IV. President's Report
Eli Capilouto, President
V. Cancer and Advanced Ambulatory Complex Update
Peter N. Gilbert, Senior VP and COO and B. Mark Evers, MD, Director, Markey Cancer Center
FCR 13 Cancer Treatment Center Ambulatory Outpatient Center
VI. King's Daughters Update
Mark D. Birdwhistell, VP for Health System Administration and Kristie Whitlatch, President and CEO
VII. UK HealthCare Compliance Update
R. Brett Short, Chief Compliance Officer
VIII. Operational and Financial Update
Craig C. Collins, Senior VP and CFO; Autumn McFann, VP and CFO; Peter N. Gilbert, Senior VP and COO
FCR 14 Kentucky Clinic Elevators Capital Project
FCR 15 Replacement AHU Pavilion WH
FCR 16 Parking Structure 8 UKHC
IX. Privileges and Appointments
Jay S. Grider, DO, Chief Physician Executive
Chandler and Good Samaritan Medical Staff Applications and Appointments
X. New Business
XI. Adjournment