University Health Care Committee Meeting
Gatton Student Center, Harris Ballroom

University Health Care Committee
Gatton Student Center, Harris Ballroom
Thursday, September 15, 2022
4:30 - 5:45 p.m.
Chair: E. Britt Brockman, MD
I. Welcome and Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes - June 17, 2022
III. Committee Chair's Report
IV. Executive Vice President for Health Affairs (EVPHA) Report
Mark F. Newman, MD
V. Medicaid Directed Payments Quality Update
Mark D. Birdwhistell
VI. Kentucky Children's Hospital Update
Scottie B. Day, MD
VII. Financial and Operational Update
Craig C. Collins and Peter N. Gilbert
A. FCR 5 Approval of Improvements to Leased Space (UK HealthCare Fountain Court - Primary Care)
C. FCR 7 Approval to Acquire Properties through Eminent Domain
D. FCR 11 Acquire/Improve Elevator Systems-UKHC (Parking Structure 8) Capital Project
VIII. University Health Care Committee Recommendation
IX. Privileges and Appointments
Jay S. Grider, DO
X. New Business
XI. Adjournment