University Health Care Committee Meeting
Harris Ballroom, Gatton Student Center

University Health Care Committee
Gatton Student Center, Harris Ballroom
Thursday, February 17, 2022
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Chair: Britt Brockman
I. Welcome and Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes - December 13, 2021
III. Committee Chair's Report
IV. Executive Vice President for Health Affairs (EVPHA) Report
Mark F. Newman, MD, EVPHA
V. Access and Growth Update
Sara Marks, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, King's Daughters Medical Center
Colleen Swartz, DNP, VP Hospital Operations
Peter N. Gilbert, SVP and COO
Melissa Frederick, AVP, Human Resources
VI. FYTD22 December Operational and Financial Update
Craig C. Collins, SVP and CFO
Peter N. Gilbert, SVP and COO
Jay S. Grider, Chief Physician Executive
VII. Privileges and Appointments
Jay S. Grider, MD, Chief Physician Executive
VIII. New Business
IX. Adjournment