Finance Committee Meeting
Bolivar Art Gallery, School of Art and Visual Studies

Finance Committee Meeting
Bolivar Art Gallery, School of Art and Visual Studies
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
I. Call to Order Presented By: Chair James Booth
II. Roll Call Presented By: Ms. Brenda Heeter
III. Approval of Minutes - February 22, 2019 Presented By: Chair James Booth
IV. Business Items Presented By: Chair James Booth
B. FCR 2 Pledge From Siemer Milling Company
C. FCR 3 Pledge from Wendell R. Bell and Vickie L. Bell
D. FCR 4 Establishment of the Ann Hall Taylor Scholarship Fund (Quasi-Endowment Fund)
E. FCR 5 Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2018
FCR 5 Attachment - December 31, 2018 Interim Financial Report
F. FCR 6 2018-19 Budget Revisions
G. FCR 7 Improve Student Center Space 1 - Harris Ballroom
FCR 7 Attachment (Map) Renovate Harris Ballroom
H. FCR 8 Approval of Improvements for College of Arts & Science-Psychology Depart. Leased Space
FCR 8 Attachment (Map) Psychology Improvements
J. FCR 10 Approval of Electronic Health Records Capital Project
K. FCR 11 Authorization of Lease UKHC IT
L. FCR 12 Authorization of Ground Lease Alpha Gamma Delta
FCR 12 Attachment (Map) Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity
M. FCR 13 Acquire/Renovate Housing (Alpha Gamma Delta) Capital Project
N. FCR 14 Lease/Purchase of Equipment for the Smart Campus Initiative
FCR 14 Attachment Smart Campus Initiative Presentation
V. EVPFA Report Presented By: Eric Monday
VI. Other Business
VII. Adjournment Presented By: Chair James Booth