Audit and Compliance Committee Meeting
Ballroom A, Gatton Student Center

Audit and Compliance Committee
Ballroom A, Gatton Student Center
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes - September 13, 2018
IV. Reports and Discussion Items
A. Report on FY18 External Audit Presented By: Mary McKinley, BKD
B. BKD Agreed-Upon Procedures Reports Presented By: Susan Krauss, Treasurer
C. UKIA Time Allocation and Benchmarking Presented By: UKIA
D. UKIA FY2019 Second Quarter Activity Update Presented By: UKIA
V. New Business Items
A. Proposed FY2019 Third Quarter Work Plan Presented by UKIA Presented By: UKIA
ACC 1 Approval Third Quarter Work Plan
B. Proposed Audit & Compliance Committee Charter Revisions Presented By: UKIA
C. Proposed UK Internal Audit Charter Revisions Presented By: UKIA
VI. Other Business
VII. Adjournment