University Athletics Committee Meeting
Charles T. Wethington Building, Room 127

I. Roll Call
II. Call to Order
III. Approval of Minutes - June 19, 2015
IV. President's Remarks
V. Department Report
A. Presentation: Rules and Compliance
VI. Business Items
A. Brett and Billie Jo Setzer Pledge (FCR 7)
B. Consideration of the 2014-15 Audited Financial Statements and the Independent Auditors' Report on Financial Statement and Supplemental Information for the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics
C. Consideration of Interim Financial Report for the Three Months Ended September 30, 2015 for the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics (FCR 12)
D. Renovate Academic/Administrative Space: Nutter Football Training Facility Capital Project (FCR 17)
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjournment