Meeting of the Finance Committee
University of Kentucky
11:00 A.M.
June 10, 2014
Board Room, 18th Floor Patterson Office Tower

I. Welcome and Roll Call

II. Approval of Minutes - May 9, 2014

III. Business Items
            A. FCR1   The Forcht Group of Kentucky Pledge
            B. FCR2   Acceptance of the Interim Financial Report for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2014
            C. FCR3   A Resolution Providing for the Authorization, Issuance and Sale of General Receipts Refunding Bonds of the University of Kentucky, Pursuant to the Trust Agreement Dated as of November 1, 2005
            D. FCR4   Fiscal Year 2014-15 Operating and Capital Budget
            E. FCR5   Disposal of Personal Property
            F. FCR6   Resolution for the Designation of an Agent for the Application of Federal Emergency Management Assistance
            G. FCR7   Repair/Upgrade/Improve Building Mechanical Systems Capital Project (William R. Willard Medical Education Building Air Handling Units)
            H. FCR8   Center for Applied Energy Research Slipstream Capital Project
            I.. FCR9   Expand and Renovate Commonwealth Stadium Capital Project (Commonwealth of Kentucky High Performance Building Standards Exemption)
            J. FCR10  Renovate Old Softball/Soccer Locker Room Capital Project
            K. FCR11 Renovate/Upgrade UK HealthCare Facilities Capital Project
            L. FCR12  Approval of Dining Capital Projects and Transfer of Vehicle

IV. New Business

V. Adjourn