Meeting of the University Athletics Committee
University of Kentucky
9:00 A.M.
June 10, 2014
Board Room, 18th Floor Patterson Office Tower

I. Welcome and Roll Call

II. Approval of Minutes - April 1, 2014

III. President’s Remarks

VI. Department Report – Mitch Barnhart

V. Business Items

            A. PR 6      Naming of University Facility:  Soccer Complex
            B. FCR 2   Consideration of Interim Financial Report for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2014 for the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics - Melissa Gleason
            C. FCR 4   Fiscal Year 2014-15 Operating and Capital Budget – Department of Intercollegiate Athletics  -  Melissa Gleason & DeWayne Peevy
            D. FCR 9   Expand and Renovate Commonwealth Stadium Capital Project (Commonwealth of Kentucky High Performance Building Standards Exemption)
            E. FCR 10  Renovate Old Softball/Soccer Locker Room Capital Project

VI. Adjourn