Produce Best Practices Training (PBPT)
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What is Produce Best Practices Training?
- PBPT directly replaces the GAP Training/Education program introduced in 2008 that more than 5,000 KY producers have completed.
- Renamed to help alleviate confusion between GAP Certificates and Third Party GAP Audits and Tobacco GAP.
- Revised to educate about FSMA requirements and the latest on produce safety.
- Is the new basic training requirement for All Samples certificate from KDA
- Still delivered by your extension agent.
Who needs to complete PBPT?
- Anyone wishing to acquire a Farmers Market All-Samples certificate
- Anyone seeking a general overview of major produce food safety concerns
When do I need to complete PBPT?
- Please contact your local county ag/horticulture agent for training options.
- Sampling certificate protocols should remain the same--all that's changing is the training.
Contact Your Local Extension Office to find out about scheduled trainings.