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Selected Resources for Developing Value-added Products in KY

The following list is intended to provide Kentucky growers with resources that will help them on their way to adding value to their raw farm products. Included are the names and contact information of pertinent agencies and departments at the university, state and federal levels. Links to government regulations and laws related to processing value-added food products are included, as well as links to other selected Internet resources, fact sheets and guidebooks.


Kentucky Resources

Value-added products including honey and jams on display.These resources include the Cooperative Extension Service, Food Systems Innovation Center and the School of Human Environmental Sciences - Dietetics and Human Nutrition at the University of Kentucky. Also included are UK Internet resources, such as Home-based Processing and Microprocessing information. Resources from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, the Kentucky Department for Public Health and the Kentucky Legislature are also available.  


Other Resources

Making strawberry preservesThis profile provides links to resources from the USDA, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and value-added information from universities in other states, including Tennessee, Indiana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Iowa. Links to information about grants and other sources of funding, as well as information regarding bar codes, are available in this profile.