College of Arts & Sciences

Law and Justice Minor - Minor


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A minor is a structured group of courses that leads to considerable knowledge and understanding of a subject, although with less depth than a major. Some employers consider minors desirable, and the corresponding major requirements at the University may stipulate a minor. Some students choose to complement their major program with a minor in a related field or even in an entirely different field of interest.

Preminor Requirements

PS 101 - American Governemtn [3 hours]

Minor Requirements

Students must complete 18 additional hours of course work  at the 200-level or above to be distributed as follows: 

Six hours of 200 level courses, 3 hours of which must be either PS 210 or PS 230 [6 hours]

Four other courses, at least three of which must be at the 400 or 500 level [12 hours]

Total Hours - 21


Political Science Minor