Pigman College of Engineering

Computer Engineering


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Hank Dietz, Ph.D.

Professor and Interim Director of Undergraduate Studies

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Pigman College of Engineering

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

453 F. Paul Anderson Tower

Lexington, KY 40506-0046

Program website

(859) 257-8042

  • BS

Computer engineers design computer systems, both hardware and software, to create new technologies and meet the ever-changing needs of society. The field of computer engineering covers a wide range of topics including computer architecture, operating systems, communications, computer networks, robotics, artificial intelligence, supercomputers, computer-aided design and neural nets. Whether designing and developing new products or improving manufacturing processes, computer engineers work at the frontier of technology.  

Program Your Future

Computer engineers understand how to design and make the hardware that helps our newest “intelligent” tools and machines — and houses and cars – get smarter, smaller, cheaper, faster and safer. Students who enroll as Computer Engineering majors at UK study at Kentucky’s flagship research institution, meaning you’ll be learning from top faculty looking to make the next big breakthrough in their field. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty are readily accessible both inside and outside the classroom and students have every opportunity necessary to grow personally and professionally.

Courses cover all the essentials: circuits, software, semiconductors, embedded systems, computer architecture and others. The undergraduate degree culminates in the capstone design courses where seniors work in teams to handle real-world problems outside the classroom and get a taste of real world engineering work. Undergraduate certificates are also available in power and energy as well as nanoscale engineering.

Industries Looking for You 

  • Personal computing
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Computer hardwire
  • Optics
  • Communications
  • Manufacturing
"Computer engineering stood out to me because of the blend of physical and abstract design."

Grant Cox

2019 Computer Engineering Graduate

Admission Requirements 

The Pigman College of Engineering offers multiple pathways to undergraduate admission -- both as an incoming freshman or transfer student.

Admission requirements for incoming freshmen can be accessed here.

Admission requirements for transfer students can be accessed here.

Engineering Standing

All incoming freshmen and transfer students admitted to the Pigman College of Engineering have their major listed as "Pre-Aerospace Engineering", "Pre-Biomedical Engineering", etc. on their admission letter and in our academic system, myUK. Engineering Standing will be achieved, and the pre- designation will be dropped from the major name, once the student achieves a minimum cumulative GPA and a minimum GPA in select courses. You may view the select courses in the University Bulletin.

First-Year Engineering Program

The smartest, most talented engineers around the world are devoting themselves to tackling immense global challenges. As a student in the UK Pigman College of Engineering, you get to join them!

In 2008, the National Academy of Engineering identified 14 “Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century”—opportunities to greatly increase humanity’s sustainability, health, security and joy of living. Themes include making solar energy economical, enhancing virtual reality, reverse-engineering the brain, securing cyberspace, providing access to clean water and more.

These ambitious goals demand engineers roll up their sleeves and get to work, which is why we put them front and center during your first year as an engineering student. We have designed the First-Year Engineering (FYE) program to inspire you. We want you to discover your passion. We want you to explore where you might make your unique contribution. We want you to get your hands dirty and make stuff that might, one day, lead to a breakthrough.

Why wait until you’re taking upper-level classes to figure out what interests you? Through real engineering classes taught by top faculty and exposure to engineering’s greatest challenges, the FYE program gets you into the game from day one.


Degree Requirements 

The following curriculum meets the requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, provided the student satisfies the graduation requirements of the Pigman College of Engineering

2023-24 Curriculum Previous Curricula




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Student Involvement

Learning also happens in student organizations, on field trips and on community service projects. UK computer engineering students often get involved with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Kentucky Organization of Robotics and Automation, Solar Car Team, Tau Beta Pi, Society of Women Engineers, and others.


The computer engineering program offers numerous opportunities to obtain hands-on experience through summer internships and co-operative education programs with many companies throughout the U.S. These experiences often lead to full-time engineering professional positions upon graduation. For those interested in research, the program offers numerous undergraduate research opportunities in each of the specialized areas of computer engineering. 

The Engineering Career and Co-op Center is a valuable resource for assisting you with developing job and co-op search skills; participating in education-abroad programs and participating in research endeavors and career network development so you can secure a rewarding career in your chosen field of study.

Career Prospects in Computer Engineering

Computer engineers understand how to design and make the hardware that helps our newest intelligent tools, machines, houses and cars get smarter, smaller, cheaper, faster and safer. Computer engineers work in a variety of industries: film and television, aerospace, automotive, business machines, professional and scientific equipment, computers and electronics, communications and medical technology to name a few. They work in public utilities, for NASA, at the National Institutes of Health, at the Department of Defense, for consumer electronics companies, and many more. As researchers, they study everything from fuel cells to nanotechnology.

Imagine Your Future

Computer Hardware Engineers

Computer hardware engineers research, design, develop, and test computer systems and components.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics | Click the link for more info.

Median Salary


per year in 2023

Number of Jobs


in 2023

10 Year Job Outlook


new jobs (average)

Work Environment

Computer hardware engineers usually work in research laboratories that build and test various types of computer models. Most work in computer systems design services and in manufacturing.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

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Imagine Your Future

Computer Network Architects

Computer network architects design and implement data communication networks, including local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and intranets.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics | Click the link for more info.

Median Salary


per year in 2023

Number of Jobs


in 2023

10 Year Job Outlook


new jobs (average)

Work Environment

Most computer network architects work full time, and some work more than 40 hours per week. Network architects work in a variety of industries, usually in an office setting.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

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Hank Dietz, Ph.D.

Professor and Interim Director of Undergraduate Studies

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Pigman College of Engineering

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

453 F. Paul Anderson Tower

Lexington, KY 40506-0046

(859) 257-8042