College of Arts & Sciences

Urban Studies - Minor


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Numerous popular accounts have suggested that over half the world's population can be characterized as 'urban'. In this minor in Urban Studies, we offer coursework in urban planning, urban geography, and the geographies of cities in order to provide students with the key theories and methods of the study of urbanism, supporting students in a variety of vocations that will require a comprehensive understanding of the role of cities in society.

The minor in Urban Studies requires 18 hours as follows:

Introduction to Cities

Students must complete 6 credit hours of course work in Introduction to Cities:

GEO 220 U.S. Cities (3)

GEO 222 Cities of the World (3)

Urban Approaches

Students must complete 3 credit hours of course work in Urban Approaches from the list below:

GEO 285 Introduction to Planning (3)

GEO 422 Urban Geography (3)

Data Analysis and Representation

Students must complete 3 credit hours of course work from Data Analysis and Representation from the list below:

GEO 305 Elements of Cartography (3)

GEO 309 Introduction to GIS (3)

GEO 310 Data Explorations and Applications in Everyday Life (3)

GEO 311 Qualitative Methods in Geography (3)

Urban Perspectives

Students must complete 6 credit hours of course work in Urban Perspectives from the list below. Courses used to satisfy the Urban Approaches requirement may not be used to satisfy the Urban Perspectives requirement:

GEO 221 Immigrant America: A Geographic Perspective (3)

GEO 235 Environmental Management and Policy (3)

GEO 255 Geography of the Global Economy (3)

GEO 285 Introduction to Planning (3)

GEO 422 Urban Geography (3)

GEO 455 Globalization and the Changing World Economy (3)

GEO 485G Urban Planning and Sustainability (3)

GEO 509 Workshop in Geospatial Technologies (3)

Geography majors cannot count more than 6 credit hours of course work used to satisfy the Minor in Urban Studies towards their geography major requirements.

Urban Studies Minor