College of Arts & Sciences

Sexuality Studies Certificate


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The Department of Gender and Women’s Studies, in conjunction with partners across the campus, is excited to offer the undergraduate sexuality studies certificate. The certificate encompasses scientific and medical fields as well as humanities and social sciences, and encourages the study of sexuality transhistorically and crossculturally. The goal of offering the certificate is two-fold: both to train students for fields in which knowledge of diverse perspectives on sexuality is important -- including health-related fields, human resources-related fields, and international scholarship or business -- and to provide students with an opportunity for transformative exploration of the relationship between sexuality and society.Offering courses from different departments and colleges within the university system, this certificate models true interdisciplinary study and addresses the social, medical, and historical aspects of sexual health, identities, and subcultures.

Requirements for the Sexuality Studies Certificate: 15 hours of courses (core and electives)

Core classes (9 credit hours)

  • GWS 200 Sex & Power (3 credits)
  • KHP 220 Sexuality Education (3 credits)

 Choose one from either:

  • GWS 410 Introduction to Queer Theory (3 credits)
  • GWS 506 History of Sexuality in the U.S. (3 credits)

Elective courses (6 credit hours)

Courses on the core list above that are not used to satisfy core requirements may be used to satisfy the elective requirements.

Choose one from the following (3 credit hours):

  • ANT 251 Global Health: Culture, Pathologies, and Social Inequalities
  • FAM 253 Human Sexuality: Development, Behavior, and Attitudes
  • PSY 563 Advanced Topics in Developmental Psychology: Diverse Families (this course may only count towards the sexuality studies certificate when it is offered under the ‘Diverse Families’ subtitle).
  • PGY 401G Human Reproduction, Technology, and Society
  • CPH 203 Sexual Health

Choose one from the following (3 credit hours):

  • GWS 250 Social Movements
  • GWS 302 Gender Across the World
  • GWS 300 Topics in Gender and Women’s Studies (this course may only count toward the sexuality studies certificate when it is offered under a subtitle that includes more than 50% sexuality related content or is approved by the certificate director)
  • GWS 301 Crossroads (this course may only count toward the sexuality studies certificate when it is offered under a subtitle that includes more than 50% sexuality related content or is approved by the certificate director)
  • GWS 309 Health, History, and Human Diversity
  • GWS 430 Gender, Power, and Violence
  • Choose from either:  
    • GWS 410 Introduction to Queer Theory
    • GWS 506 History of Sexuality in the U.S.


  • At least 8 credit hours must be at the 200 level or above, and a minimum of 6 credit hours must be at the 300 level or above.
  • Students who are also pursuing a Minor in Gender & Women's Studies may not use more than one class to fulfill the requirements of both the GWS Minor and this certificate.


II. Declaring the certificate in sexuality studies:

  • If you are planning to apply for the certificate in sexuality studies, you need to make the request through your primary college.
  • If your primary college is A&S (which means you are majoring in an A&S department) please go to the Advising office in 202 Patterson Office Tower and fill out the form to declare the sexuality studies certificate.

Students undertaking the sexuality studies certificate are encouraged to meet with a Gender & Women's Studies advisor of her/his choice, either the GWS Director of Undergraduate Studies or another of the GWS affiliated faculty members. 

Sexuality Studies Website