College of Fine Arts


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The Division of Musicology and Ethnomusicology of the UK School of Music offers a superior education in musicology with its diverse faculty of scholars, its dual emphasis on traditional research and creative explorations in the field, its focus on collaborations between scholarship and performance, and its access to the extensive collections housed in the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library and the John Jacob Niles Center for American Music. The Musicology and Ethnomusicology Division is presently made up of seven full-time faculty and one part-time instructor, whose specialties range from the Medieval period to contemporary music, from chant and opera to fiddle tunes, folk songs, and Korean drumming, employing a wide variety of methodological approaches. The expertise of several faculty members reinforces the School of Music’s designated strengths in Opera/Vocal Music and American Music.

Applicants for the M.A. in Musicology must meet entrance requirements of the Graduate School and the School of Music and must demonstrate strengths in music history and theory as well as skills in clear and persuasive writing. Students are required to submit a sample of their research and writing in the form of a research paper. Some background in musical performance is also expected.


The M.A. usually requires three semesters of full-time coursework. All students in this program must take MUS 618 – Research Methods in the first fall semester they are enrolled. Students in this program usually take four musicology courses, selected from among graduate offerings at the 600 and 700 level (which may include doctoral seminars). In addition, they take two or three advanced courses in music theory and analysis.

Foreign Language

All students in the M.A. program must demonstrate reading knowledge of one foreign language. This is usually French or German, but may be another language appropriate to the students’ research interests. The Graduate School offers reading knowledge courses in French, German, and Spanish.


All students in the M.A. program must complete a Masters Thesis, which must consist of original work in the field of musicology.

Final Examination

Upon completion of the thesis, students sit for a Final Examination (administered by a committee consisting of the student’s advisor, another musicology faculty member, and a faculty member in music theory). This oral examination consists primarily of a defense of the thesis, but also covers aspects of music history and theory.

Alumni Success

Since the completion of his Master’s degree (2020), Benjamin Adamo has taught “History of Recorded Music” to 1,200 – 1,500 students from around the world (both online and on campus) at Full Sail University. He currently teaches “History of Popular Music,” covering Motown to 1990s Hip Hop, and plans curriculum in his new position as Course Director.

Kathryn Caton, who completed her PhD in Musicology & Ethnomusicology in 2022, served as Lecturer in Musicology in the Moores School of Music at the University of Houston in 2022–2023, teaching courses in opera literature, American music, twentieth-century music, and research methods. She will continue at the University of Houston as Full-time Lecturer in 2023–2024.


Martina Vasil

Director of Graduate Studies

Associate Professor

College of Fine Arts

105 Fine Arts Building

Lexington KY 40506