College of Design

Historic Preservation (Undergraduate Certificate)

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Douglas Appler

Director, Undergraduate Certificate in Historic Preservation

Associate Professor

College of Design

117 Pence Hall

University of Kentucky

Program website


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How does any place become “historic?” And what does that mean? If the interplay of history and the built environment interests you, we invite you to consider the Undergraduate Certificate in Historic Preservation. This 12-credit-hour program introduces the history and theory of historic preservation while allowing students to explore specialized areas of practice. Learn how culture influences human connections to place and the role revitalization plays in community planning and economic development. A wide range of electives allows students to connect basic preservation principles with studies in their major and minor fields. Aimed at developing broad knowledge, the certificate is intended to prepare students for life in a globalized society and decisions they will face in their professional and private lives.

Undergraduate Certificate in Historic Preservation

HP 101: Historic Preservation: How the Past Informs the Future

Core Courses:
HP 252: Adaptive Reuse and Treatments for Historic Buildings
HP 300: Sustainability and the Built World

Approved Electives (choose two):
ANT 342: North American Archaeology
ANT 545: Historical Archaeology
ARC 511: History and Theory Seminar: Pre-20th Century
ARC 512: History and Theory Seminar: Modern
ARC 513: History and Theory Seminar: Contemporary
ARC 514: History and Theory Seminar: Theory and Criticism
ARC 515: History and Theory Seminar: Urban Forms
ARC 584: Design of Timber and Masonry Structures
ENS 201: Environmental and Sustainability Studies I: Humanities and Social Sciences
GEO 220: U.S. Cities
GEO 235: Environmental Management and Policy
GEO 285: Introduction to Planning
GEO 485G: Urban Planning and Sustainability
GEO 490G: American Landscapes
HIS 240: History of Kentucky
HIS 260/AAS 260: African American History to 1865
HIS 261/AAS 261: African American History 1865-present
HP 352: Kentucky Architecture and Landscapes
ID 283: The American House and its Furnishings
LA 205: History of Landscape Architecture
LA 307: Cultural Landscape Preservation

Students may apply to the certificate program after completing HP 101: Introduction to Historic Preservation. As a 100-level course, HP 101 does not qualify for certificate credit; however, HP 101 counts toward the UK Core requirement for Intellectual Inquiry in the Social Sciences.

Students then take HP 252, two electives, and HP 300. Students are advised to take HP 300 as their final course or in the same semester as their final elective(s). An exit exam will be administered in HP 300. Students must earn a C or higher to complete the certificate. Students will be allowed to retake the exam if needed. Post-baccalaureate and non-degree-seeking students will be admitted upon submitting a statement of 1,000 words or less explaining the reasons for their interest in pursuing the certificate.



Application Guidelines


Douglas Appler

Director, Undergraduate Certificate in Historic Preservation

Associate Professor

College of Design

117 Pence Hall

University of Kentucky


Other programs from the College of Design: