College of Education

Special Education - Graduate

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Welcome to the Special Education (EDS) Program at the University of Kentucky. EDS prepares students to work with individuals with learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and moderate and severe disabilities in P-12 classrooms. Graduates of our program are employed in public and private schools, intervention programs, state government, and various other settings. Our program prepares its graduates to be reflective thinkers, consumers and producers of research, to implement best-practices and to demonstrate leadership in their profession.

Master's Program Description

The UK Advanced Preparation Teacher Leader Program in Special Education is designed to prepare Advanced Practitioner/Leaders that can practice in special education for the benefit of students, colleagues, the community, and the nation. The 30-hour Teacher Leader Master’s degree in Special Education delivers this program to candidates in the Central Kentucky region and the state.

Master's Application Requirements

  1. CV
    • The CV or resume must include prior education/degrees, the institutions attended (including years), prior teaching certification and/or other professional certification/licensure (if any), and employment history.
  2. Personal Statement
    • Within the personal statement, applicants must include a biographical sketch that addresses the evolution of their professional career, research interests, and their professional goals as they relate to the doctoral program of study. Applicants must also indicate their proposed departmental area of emphasis from among the following: Assistive Technology (AT), Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Special Education (IECE), Learning and Behavior Disorders (LBD), Moderate and Severe Disabilities (MSD), or Rehabilitation Counseling (RC)
  3. Writing Sample
    • Applicants must include a sample of professional academic writing such as a Master’s thesis, published manuscript, or a major paper from previous graduate study.
  4. Three letters of recommendation 
    • Recommenders should address the applicant’s ability (demonstrated or perceived) to work with students with disabilities.
  5. An inteview will be conducted.

Applicants must meet the Graduate School admission requirements.

The GRE is not required for admission to this program.


Application Deadlines

Spring: December 9

Summer: December 9

Fall: July 16

Specialist Program Description

Specialist Degree (Ed.S.) programs are individually planned for an in-depth study in an area of special education. In addition to coursework, the program requires a research project with a written product for completion. On occasion, students seeking a doctorate degree elect to first earn a specialist degree in order to gain research experiences prior to conducting a dissertation. Other individuals use the specialist degree program to meet Rank I teacher certification requirements.

Specialist Application Requirements

  1. CV
    • The CV or resume must include prior education/degrees, the institutions attended (including years), prior teaching certification and/or other professional certification/licensure (if any), and employment history.
  2. Personal Statement
    • Within the personal statement, applicants must include a biographical sketch that addresses the evolution of their professional career, research interests, and their professional goals as they relate to the doctoral program of study. Applicants must also indicate their proposed departmental area of emphasis from among the following: Assistive Technology (AT), Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Special Education (IECE), Learning and Behavior Disorders (LBD), Moderate and Severe Disabilities (MSD), or Rehabilitation Counseling (RC).)
  3. Writing Sample
    • Applicants must include a sample of professional academic writing such as a Master’s thesis, published manuscript, or a major paper from previous graduate study.
  4. GRE
  5. Three letters of recommendation
    • Recommenders should address the applicant’s ability (demonstrated or perceived) to work with students with disabilities.
  6. An inteview will be conducted.

Applicants must meet the Graduate School admission requirements.

Application Deadlines

Spring: December 9

Summer: December 9

Fall: July 16