Insects play a major role in our world - both beneficial and harmful. The Minor in Entomology will help you understand the relationship between insects and their environment. This minor is not only well suited for students studying in traditional agricultural or life sciences programs, but also for those with a public health interest based on the impact of insects on human and animal lives.
The minor in Entomology requires 15 hours of course work (not including prerequisites).
Pre-Minor Requirements
Two semesters of introductory biology ................................................ 6
Minor Requirements
ENT 300 General Entomology .............................................................. 3
Select the remaining credits (12 hours) from:
ENT 310 Insect Pests of Field Crops ..................................................... 3
ENT 320 Horticultural Entomology ....................................................... 3
ENT 340 Livestock Entomology ............................................................ 2
ENT 360 Genetics ................................................................................... 3
ENT 395 Independent Work .................................................................. 1-3
ENT 502 Forest Entomology .................................................................. 3
ENT 530 Integrated Pest Management ................................................. 3
ENT 561 Insects Affecting Human and Animal Health ........................ 3
ENT 563 Parasitology .............................................................................. 4
ENT 564 Insect Taxonomy ...................................................................... 4
ENT 568 Insect Behavior ......................................................................... 3
ENT 574 Advanced Applied Entomology ............................................. 4
Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food & Environment