Prof from Family Studies to Take UK Across America
Gregory Brock plans on teaching Family 252: Intro to Family Science this
summer. He also plans to fulfill a life-long dream of his to bike across the United States
at the same time. Impossible? Not when hes traveling with a laptop computer,
providing the means to teach the class online while allowing him to enjoy
the accomplishment of biking approximately 3,000 miles.
Brock, a member of the College of Human Environmental Sciences faculty since 1987, is planning his route so that he can ride through cities with UK Alumni clubs in the southern part of the U.S. He plans on leaving from the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles on May 17 and hopes to arrive in Savannah 50 to 60 days later. He expects to ride from sunrise to around 6 p.m., covering 70 to 100 miles daily. Some of the cities he is planning on visiting include Palm Springs, Fort Worth/Dallas, and Montgomery, Ala. Brock, traveling solo, will welcome UK alumni riding with him for periodic stretches. If you, or your club, would like to make contact with Brock during his bike ride, contact Jenny Jones-Goodwin at the Alumni Association by calling (800) 269-ALUM, (859) 257-8905, or by e-mail at
Excerpt taken from: Alumwise, The Official Publication of the UK Alumni Association, Spring 2000 Issue