The funeral services and burial of Isaac Murphy will take place at his late home on East Third street Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. S. P. Young, of the First Baptist Church. The Lexington Choral Club, led by Henry Tandy, will render the funeral songs.
The body will be interred under the auspices of Lincoln Lodge No. 10 and the Knights Templar at the colored cemetery. The arrangements in regard to the actrive and honorary pall-bearers have not been completed. It is probable that Willie Sims, Anthony Hamilton, Alonzo Clayton, R. Williams and other prominent colored jockeys will be the active pall-bearers, and Ed Brown, Charles Anderson, Scott Williams, and other leading colored trainers will be the honorary pall-bearers.
The burial casket, which is one of the finest ever seen in Lexington, arrived this morning, having been specially ordered by Porter & Jackson. It is trimmed in royal purple, and is a duplicate of the one in which Gen. Grant was buried.
Turfmen all over the country, irrespective of color, have sent telegrams of condolence to the widow. The floral offerings will be most profuse.
It is likely the funeral will be one of the largest seen here in many years.