by Don R. Chesnut
©DRC 2014
Phylum Bryozoa
Ehrenberg, 1831
[All of the following taxa need to be reassigned to the appropriate, modern taxonomic outline.]
Class Gymnolaemata Allman, 1856
Order Ctenostomata Busk, 1852
Suborder Stolonifera Ehlers, 1876
Family Vinellidae Ulrich and Bassler, 1904
Genus Vinella Ulrich, 1890
Vinella sp.
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Class Stenolaemata
Borg, 1926
Order Trepostomata
Ulrich, 1882
Suborder Amalgamata Ulrich and Bassler, 1904
Family Stenoporidae Waagen and Wentzel, 1886
Genus Anisotrypa Ulrich, 1883
Anisotrypa n. sp.
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Anisotrypa symmetrica[cited by Butts, 1917]
Anisotrypa solida Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Genus Leioclema Ulrich, 1882Lioclema [sic]
araneum Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Genus Stenopora Lonsdale, 1844Stenopora ramosa Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Stenopora rudis Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Stenopora tuberculata Prout
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Family Batostomellidae Miller, 1889
Genus Batostomella Ulrich, 1882Batostomella abrupta Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Batostomella nitidula[cited by Butts, 1917]
Batostomella sp.?
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Batostomella spinulosa Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Cystoporida Astrova, 1964Suborder Hederelloidea Bassler, 1939
Family Reptariidae Simpson, 1897
Genus Hederella Hall, 1883Hederella sp.
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Suborder Ceramoporoidea Bassler, 1913
Family Fistuliporidae Ulrich, 1882
Genus Cheilotrypa Ulrich, 1884Chilotrypa hispida[cited by Butts, 1917]
Genus Eridopora Ulrich, 1882Eridopora aff.
macrostoma Ulrich (has smaller zoocia)
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Eridopora macrostoma Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Eridopora punctipora[cited by Butts, 1917]
Genus Fistulipora M'Coy, 1850Fistulipora excellens[cited by Butts, 1917]
Fistulipora n. sp.
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Family Hexagonellidae Crockford, 1947
Genus Meekopora Ulrich, 1889Meekopora approximata Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Meekopora clausa Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Meekopora n. sp.
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Genus Prismopora Hall, 1883Prismopora serrulata Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Cryptostomata Vine, 1884
Family Fenestellidae King, 1850
Genus Archimedes Owen, 1838
[The following species probably should be reassigned.]
Archimedes communis Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Archimedes compactus Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Archimedes distans Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Archimedes intermedius[cited by Butts, 1917]
Archimedes meekanus Hall
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Archimedes proutanus[cited by Butts, 1917]
Archimedes cf. swallowanus Hall
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Archimedes terebriformis Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Genus Fenestella Lonsdale, 1839
Fenestella aff.
conradi Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Fenestella aff.
multispinosa Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Fenestella cestriensis Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Fenestella cf.
compressa[cited by Butts, 1917]
Fenestella elevatipora Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Fenestella flexuosa Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Fenestella serratula Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Fenestella tenax Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Genera Lyropora Hall, 1857 and Lyroporella Simpson, 1895[The following species need to be reassigned to the appropriate genera and species.]
Lyropora divergens[cited by Butts, 1917]
Lyropora quincuncialis Hall
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Lyropora ranosculum Hall
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Lyropora subquadrans Hall
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Genus Sphragiopora Ulrich, 1889Sphragiopora parasitica Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Genus Thamniscus King, 1849Thamniscus furcillatus Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Thamniscus ramulosa Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Family Polyporidae Vine, 1883
Genus Polypora M'Coy, 1845Polypora approximata Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Polypora cestriensis[cited by Butts, 1917]
Polypora corticosa Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Polypora spinulifera[cited by Butts, 1917]
Polypora tuberculata Prout
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Family Rhabdomesidae Vine, 1883
Genus Rhombopora Meek, 1872Rhombopora armata Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Rhombopora minor Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Rhombopora persimilis Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Rhombopora tabulata Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Rhombopora teniurama Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Genus Streblotrypa Vine, 1885Streblotrypa nicklesi Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Streblotrypa subspinosa Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Family Acanthocladiidae Zittel, 1880
Genus Septopora Prout, 1859
Septopora biserialis nervata[cited by Butts, 1917]
Septopora cestriensis Prout?
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Septopora decipiens Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Septopora robusta intermedia Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]
Septopora subquadrans Ulrich
[cited by Butts, 1917]
[cited by Butts, 1922]