Explanation of Plate I
(High Bridge and Lower Lexington)

1. Actinoceras bigsbyi Bronn. (1681a) X ½, Tyrone, Jessamine County, Kentucky.
2-4. Orthis tricenaria Conrad. (527c) Upper Black River, near Little Current, Ontario, Canada.
5-6. Hallopora multitabulata (Ulrich). (2090) Lower Jessamine or Hermitage, Elk Licks Falls, about twelve miles southeast of Lexington, Kentucky.
7-8. Dinorthis pectinella (Emmons). (2056) Curdsville formation, Mercer County, Kentucky.
9. Strophomena incurvata (Shepard). Tyrone limestone, High Bridge, Kentucky. After Foerste, Bul. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ. Vol. 17, Pl. XI, fig. 7, 1912.
10. Maclurites bigsbyi Leseur. (850) Camp Nelson limestone, Jessamine Creek, Jessamine County, Kentucky.
11. Endoceras proteiforme Hall. (2081) x 5/6 Top of Jessamine formation, about a mile southwest of Spears, southeastern Jessamine County, Kentucky.

The writer is indebted for loans and gifts of specimens not available in the collection of the University of Kentucky
to Dr. Wm. H. Shidler, Dr. George B. Twitchell, Dr. Walter H. Bucher, and Charles H. Faber.

Explanation of Plate II

1-3. Dalmanella bassleri Foerste. Fig. 1 (2070) lower Hermitage, near Union Mills, Jessamine Co.; Figs. 2-3 (2072) Jessamine, three-fourths mile south of Downing Lane, Hickman Creek fault zone, Jessamine County, Kentucky.
4. Liospira americana? Billings. (2083) Jessamine, from quarry about 12 miles southeast of Lexington on Richmond road.
5-6. Rhinidictya neglecta Ulrich. (2086) Jessamine, from quarry eight miles south of Lexington, Stop 17 on Nicholasville Interurban.
7-8. Heterorthis clytie Hall. (563) Hermitage, Frankfort, Ky.
9-10. Strophomena vicina Foerste. Fig. 9, (2069) Brannon, Armstrong Mill Pike and DeLong road, Fayette Co.; fig. 10, (2057) top of Benson, near Lexington.
11-12. Prasopora falesi (James). (2068) Jessamine, 70-80 feet above Tyrone, Chenault bridge section at Dix River crossing on Lexington-Danville road.
13-15. Eridotrypa aedilis (Eichwald) (2075) Jessamine, four miles north of Wilmore on Lexington-Harrodsburg road. Fig. 15, lower part of 13, x 3. (See VIII, 13).
16-17. Prasopora simulatrix Ulrich. Fig. 16, (2071) Jessamine, along road from Duncan Station to Glen Creek southwest of Frankfort, Ky. Fig. 17, (2077) Jessamine, four miles north of Wilmore on Lexington-Harrodsburg road.
18. Gastropod bed at top of Jessamine, a mass of Lophospira, Ctenodonta etc., (2085) from quarry 2½ miles south of Lexington along Tates Creek Pike.

Explanation of Plate III

1-3. Hebertella frankfortensis Foerste. Figs. 1, 2 (2054) Cornishville member of Perryville, Burdett Knob, Garrard County, Ky. Fig. 3 (533) Benson, Franklin County, Ky.
4-5. Dinorthis ulrichi Foerste. (1725b) Top of Benson, three miles south of Lexington on Tates Creek Pike.
6-8. Rhynchotrema increbescens (Hall) Figs. 6, 7, (2063) Jessamine, 70-80 feet above Tyrone limestone, Chenault bridge section, Lexington-Danville Road. Fig. 8, (2055) Faulconer, railroad cut northwest of Danville.
9. Brachispongia digitata (Owen). (2336) x ½ Brannon formation, Franklin County, Kentucky. (See IV, 1, 2).
10. Pattersonia aurita (Beecher) (599b) x ⅔ Brannon, A. M. Peter farm, northern Fayette Co., Kentucky.

Explanation of Plate IV

1- 2. Brachiospongia digitata (Owen) (2052) 1, view of specimen sawed in half, X 0.6 fig. 2, photomicrograph X 20 of section tangential to one of the arms. (See III, 9).
3- 4. Platystrophia colbiensis Foerste. (2059) Woodburn, Duncan sta¬tion on Lexington-Frankfort Interurban, northern Woodford County. (See VII, 4, 5).
5. Columnaria halli Nicholson. (2096) Woodburn, Downing Lane and Tates Creek Pike, Fayette County.
6. Columnaria alveolata Goldfuss, showing the septa in longitudinal section. (2338) Woodburn Armstrong Mill road, ½ mile east of Tates Creek Pike, Fayette Co., Ky. (See XVI, 13).
7. Hindia parva Ulrich. (2058) Woodburn, Duncan Station on Lexington-Frankfort Interurban northern Woodford County.
8. Bellerophon troosti D'Orbigny (818) Faulconer member of the Perryville, Woodford Co., Ky.
9. Lophospira medialis Ulrich and Scofield. (2080), Faulconer member of Perryville formation, railroad cut three miles southeast of Versailles.
10. Isochilina jonesi Wetherby. (2087) Salvisa member of the Perryville, Woodford County, Kentucky.
11. Orthorhynchula linneyi (James) (2060). Salvisa member of Perryville, Jonesboro, three miles south of Lexington on Tates Creek Pike. (See XI, 13).
12. Constellaria teres Ulrich and Bassler. (2093) Woodburn, Old Crow Distillery section about four miles southeast of Frankfort.
13. Cyphotrypa frankfortensis Ulrich and Bassler. (2082) Top of Benson, quarry at Bryan Station about four miles northeast of Lexington.
14. Leperditia caecigena var. frankfortensis Ulrich. (956) Salvisa member of Perryville, Mercer County, Kentucky.

Explanation of Plate V

1- 2. Hebertella occidentalis Hall (2009) Cynthiana formation, Colby Station, C. and O. R.R. West of Winchester.
3- 4. Hebertella subjugata (Hall) (2009) Cynthiana, Nicholas Co., Ky.
5. Eridotrypa briareus (Nicholson) (1975) Cynthiana (Greendale), Southern RR. cut at Stone Road crossing three miles south of Lexington.
6. Cyclonema varicosum Hall. (1988) Cynthiana (Greendale), L. and E. RR. cut, Lexington.
7. Rafinesquina alternata (Emmons) (1999) Cynthiana, near Buckeye, Garrard County, Ky.
8- 9. Rafinesquina winchesterensis Foerste. (2237) Cynthiana, near Camp Nelson, Jessamine County. (See VIII, 14).
10-11. Escharopora maculata (Ulrich) (1981) Cynthiana, quarry 6½ miles east of Winchester on Mt. Sterling Road. Fig. 10, x3. (See XI, 18).
12. Homotrypa norwoodi (Nickles) (1982) Cynthiana, quarry 6½ miles east of Winchester on Mt. Sterling road.
13. Tetradium fibratum Saflford (1992) Cynthiana, upper part of quarry, Cynthiana, Harrison County, Ky.
14-16. Zygospira modesta Hall (2008) Cynthiana, northern Garrard County, Kentucky.

Explanation of Plate VI

1- 2. Constellaria florida Ulrich (475) Cynthiana. Colby Station C. and O. RR., Clark Co., Ky. Fig. 2, X 3. (See X, 1).
3- 4. Constellaria fischeri Ulrich (1994) Cynthiana (Greendale), L. and E. RR. cut, Lexington. These specimens show the small size of the maculae but in the typical forms these are commonly not elevated and the species has a frondescent growth.
5. Prasopora sp. (1974) Basal Cynthiana, l½ miles south of Ambrose (Sulphur Well), Jessamine Co.
6- 9. Dekayella milleri sp. nov. (1997) Cynthiana, from small quarry just west of Muir Station, L. and N. RR., Fayette County, Ky. Fig. 6 shows the characteristic base. Fig. 9, X 20, fig. 8, X 30.

Explanation of Plate VII

1. Allonychia flanaganensis Foerste. (1991) Cynthiana (Millersburg). Quarry five miles west of Winchester on Lexington road.
2. Heterotrypa parvulipora Ulrich and Bassler. (950) Cynthiana, L. and E. RR. cut near Lexington.
3. Constellaria emaciata (Ulrich and Bassler) (2002) Cynthiana, (Greendale) Southern RR. cut at Stone Road, about three miles south of Lexington.
4- 5. Platystrophia colbiensis Foerste. (2005) Cynthiana (Greendale). L. and E. RR. cut, Lexington, Kentucky. (See IV, 3, 4).
6. Platystrophia colbiensis var. precursor Foerste (2004) Cynthiana (Greendale), Colby Station, C. and O. RR,, west of Winchester, Clark County, Ky.

Explanation of Plate VIII
(Rogers Gap and Eden)

1. Plectambonites rugosus (Meek) (2027) Basal Million, one mile west of Hubble Lincoln County. (See XVI, 3, 4).
2. Diplograptus sp. (2030) Eden (Million) shale, two miles east of Brannon Station, Jessamine County. X 3.
3- 5. Eridorthis nicklesi Foerste After Foerste, Bul. Sci. Lab., Dennison Univ. Vol. XIV, PL IV, figs. 3a-b 1909.
6- 8. Eridorthis rogersensis Foerste After Foerste, ibid. figs. 4a, b.
9-10. Clitambonites rogersensis (Foerste) After Foerste, ibid. Pl. VIII, figs. 14a, b.
11-12. Strophomena hallie (Miller) After Foerste, ibid. Vol. XVII, 1912, Pl. II figs, la 1d.
13. Eridotrypa aedilis (Eichwald) (2034) Rogers Gap?, five miles east of Winchester on Mt. Sterling Road. (See II, 13-15).
14. Rafinesquina winchesterensis Foerste (2029) Cynthiana, nine miles east of Winchester on road to Mt. Sterling. (See V, 8, 9).
15-16. Plectambonites plicatellus (Ulrich) (Coll. Chas. L. Faber) Fulton bed. Union Bridge, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fig. 15, X 3.
17. Fusispira sulcata Ulrich (2028) Rogers Gap, five miles east of Winchester on road to Mt. Sterling.
18. Hallopora onealli var. communis (James) (2033) Basal Million, five miles east of Winchester on road to Mt. Sterling.
19. Ctenobolbina ciliata (Emmons) (2342) McMicken member of the Eden, Cincinnati, Ohio.

NOTE Through central Kentucky the appearance of Plectambonites rugosus in large numbers marks the base of the Million.

Explanation of Plate IX

1- 2. Bythopora arctipora (Nicholson) (2360) Eden, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fig. 2, X 3.
3- 7. Aspidopora eccentrica (James) (2361) Southgate member of the Eden, Cincinnati, Ohio. Figs. 6, 7, X 3.
8. Aspidopora newberryi (Nicholson) (2362) Eden, Cincinnati, Ohio.
9. Triarthus becki Green. Southgate member of the Eden about 150 feet above low water. Rapid Run Creek, Cincinnati, Ohio. Collection Chas, L. Faber.
10-12. Hallopora onealli (James) (2363) Eden, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fig. 12, X 3.
13-14. Hallopora onealli var. sigillaroides (James) (2364) Eden, Cincinnati, Ohio.
15-18. Dalmanella emacerata (Hall) (2032) McMicken member of the Eden, Drennen Creek, Henry County, Ky.
19. Cryptolithus tessalatus Green (957e) This specimen is labeled "Upper Trenton," Cincinnati, Ohio.
20. Batostoma jamesi (Nicholson) (2230). Eden Cincinnati, Ohio.
21. Ectenocrinus simplex (Hall) (332c). Eden, Newport, Ky.
22. Ectenocrinus grandis (Meek) (1841). McMicken member of the Eden, Cincinnati, Ohio.
23. Dekayella ulrichi (Nicholson) (2031). McMicken member of the Eden, Drennen Creek, Henry County, Ky.

Explanation of Plate X

1. Constellaria florida Ulrich (2012) Fairmount, one mile north of Hubble in northern edge of Lincoln County. (See VI, 1, 2).
2- 4. Homotrypa cincinnatiensis Bassler (2017) Fairmount, at Dix River bridge on Lancaster-Danville road via Hedgeville. Fig. 3, X 3, fig. 4 tangential section X 30.
5- 6. Escharopora pavonia (D'Orbigny) (2369). Cincinnati, Ohio. Fig. 6, X 3.
7. Monticulipora mamulata D'Orbigny (2022). Fairmount, quarry one and one half miles north of Lancaster on Lexington road. The specimen is much smaller than normal.
8- 9. Escharopora hilli (James) (2025) Fairmount, quarry two miles north of Lancaster on Lexington road.
10. Hallopora dalei (M-E and H) (2026) Fairmount one mile north of Hubble in northern edge of Lincoln County.

Explanation of Plate XI

1- 2. Platystrophia laticosta Meek, after Foerste, Bul. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., Vol. XVI, 1910, Pl. III, figs, la, b. Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio.
3- 4. Plectorthis plicatella Hall, after Foerste, Bul. Sci. Lab. Denn. Univ., Vol. XVI, Pl. VI, figs. 5a, b. Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio. From Gurley Collection, Univ. of Chicago 8127.
5. Plectorthis fissicosta Hall ibid. Pl. VI, fig. 4, Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gurley Coll., Univ. of Chicago 8127.
6- 7. Strophomena planoconvexa Hall (1884a) Base of Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio.
8- 9. Strophomena maysvillensis Foerste (2015), lower Fairmount. two and one half miles S-SE of Burdett Knob, Garrard County, Ky.
10. Strophomena sinuata James (1890a) Fairmount Cincinnati, Ohio.
11-12. Plectorthis neglecta James, after Foerste Bul. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., Vol. XVI 1910, Pl. VI, figs. 1d. e. Mt. Hope, Cincinnati, Ohio. James Coll., Univ. of Chicago, 2399.
13. Orthorhynchula linneyi (James) Fairmount 9½ miles SE of Lancaster on Cartersville road, Garrard County, Ky. (See IV, 11).
14. Amplexopora septosa (Ulrich) (2374) Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio.
15. Dekayia aspera M-E and H. (2368) Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio.
16-17. Plectorthis sordida (Hall) (557) Cincinnati, Ohio.
18. Escharopora maculta (Ulrich) (2370) Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio. (See V, 10, 11).
19. Escharopora falciformis (Nicholson) (543a) Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Explanation of Plate XII

1- 2. Chiloporella flabellala (Ulrich) (2394). Corryville, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fig. 2, X 3.
3. Platystrophia ponderosa Foerste (1943) Oregonia member of the Arnheim formation near Preachersville, Lincoln Co., Ky. (See XIV, 15).
4. Rafinesquina alternata var. ponderosa Ulrich (1961) Cincinnati, Ohio.
5- 6. Heterospongia subramosa Ulrich (1972) Mt. Auburn from near Hubble, northern Lincoln County. Fig. 6, a portion of Fig. 5, X 3.
7. Calymene meeki Foerste (955) Maysville, Cincinnati, Ohio.
8. Hebertella sinuata Hall (1964). Bellevue, Madison, Indiana.
9. Monticulipora molesta Nicholson, (2393) Bellevue, from region east of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Explanation of Plate XIII

1. Bythopora gracilis (Nicholson) (2373) From vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio.
2. Hallopora rugosa (M-E and H) (1962) Cincinnati, Ohio.
3. Hallopora ramosa (D'Orbigny) (1963) Cincinnati, Ohio.
4. Platystrophia ponderosa var. auburnensis Foerste (1965) Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio.
5- 6. Rafinesquina alternata var. fracta (Meek) Coll. Chas. L. Faber. Bellevue from top of Frenchman's quarry, Cincinnati, Ohio.
7-10. Amplexopora robusta Ulrich (1968) Mt. Auburn from between Stanford and Preachersville, Lincoln County. Figs. 8, 9 tangential sections X 30, fig. 10 longitudinal section X 20. Fig. 9 (1967) is a tangential section not quite as deep as in fig. 8 showing the development of numerous small acanthopores. It is from a specimen from the same horizon one half mile N. W. of Gilberts Creek in the northern edge of Lincoln County.
11. Hallopora andrewsi (Nicholson) (2366) Cincinnati, Ohio.

Explanation of Plate XIV

1- 3. Leptaena richmondensis precursor Foerste. Figs. 1, 3 (1941) Upper Arnheim, Little Kentucky River, two miles north of Jericho, Henry County. Fig. 2 (1939) Oregonia member of the Arnheim, three miles west of Lebanon, Marion County, Kentucky.
4. Platystrophia clarksvillensis Foerste (1946) Oregonia member of Arnheim, RR. cut three miles west of Lebanon, Marion County, Kentucky.
5- 7. Platystrophia clarksvillensis Foerste (1945) Oregonia member of Arnheim formation one mile southwest of Stanford, Lincoln County, Ky.
8 Heterospongia knotti Ulrich (1937) Arnheim, Burdett Knob, Garrard County, Ky.
9-10. Rhynchotrema dentatum var. arnheimense Foerste Fig. 9 (1949) Arnheim formation, Little Kentucky River, two miles north of Jericho, Henry County,, Ky. Fig. 10 (1948) Oregonia member of Arnheim formation, six miles southeast of Lancaster, Ky.
11-12. Zygospira kentuckiensis James (2037) Waynesville, Eastwood, Jefferson County Ky.
13. Heterospongia subramosa Ulrich (1940) Oregonia member of the Arnheim, near Hubble. northern Lincoln Co., Ky. (See XII, 5,6).
14. Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis Ulrich (1953) Upper Arnheim, exposures along Rolling Fork, one mile N. E. of Bradfordville, Marion County, Ky. (See XV, 6).
15. Platystrophia ponderosa Foerste (1943) Oregonia member of the Arnheim, near Preachersville. Lincoln County, Ky. (See XII, 3).
16. Cyclonema bilix fluctuatum (James) (1855) Waynesville, Weisberg, Indiana.
17. Constellaria polystomella Nicholson (1950) Upper Arnheim (C. polystomella zone), one mile north of Boston, Jefferson Co., Ky.
18. Homotrypa wortheni (James) (1955) Oregonia member of the Arnheim formation, three miles west of St. Mary along Prather Creek, Marion Co., Ky.
19. Homotrypa bassleri Nickles (1954) Upper Arnheim (C. polystomella zone), one mile north of Boston, Jefferson Co., Ky.

Explanation of Plate XV

1. Stigmatella dychei (James) (2367) from vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio.
2- 3. Dalmanella meeki (Miller) (2391) Waynesville, near Oxford, Ohio.
4- 5. Hebertella insculpta (Hall) (535) Butler County, Ohio.
6. Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis Ulrich (2035) Waynesville, Eastwood, Jefferson County, Ky. (See XIV, 14).
7- 8. Strophomena nutans (Meek) (2392) Waynesville formation, Jacksonburg, Ohio.
9-10. Strophomena sulcata (Verneuil) (2390) Whitewater formation, southern Ohio.
11-13. Strophomena planumbona (Hall) Figs. 11, 12 (567) Butler County, Ohio. Fig. 13 (2045) Liberty, Eastwood, Jefferson County, Ky.
14. Platystrophia cypha James, after Foerste, Bul. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ. Vol. XVI, 1910, Pl. IV, fig. l0a. Specimen from Warren County, Ohio. James Coll., Univ. of Chicago 2326 (one of the types).
15. Dinorthis subquadrata (Hall) (2047) Liberty, Eastwood, Jefferson County Ky.
16-17. Dinorthis carleyi (Hall) (512) Madison, Indiana.
18. Hallopora subnodosa (Ulrich) (2372) Whitewater, southern Ohio.
19. Bythopora meeki (James) (2371) Waynesville, Oxford, Ohio.
20. Strophomena vetusta (James) (2375) Whitewater, Oxford, Ohio.

Explanation of Plate XVI

1. Beatricia nodulifera var. intermedia Foerste (2051) A variety intermediate between the typical B. undulata and B. nodulifera. Liberty, Eastwood, Jefferson County, Ky.
2. Calapoecia cribriformis (Nicholson) (2050) Liberty, Eastwood, Jefferson County.
3- 4. Plectambonites rugosus (Meek) (2395) Liberty, Four Mile Creek, Creek near Oxford, Ohio. (See VIII, 1).
5- 7. Rhynchotrema capax (Conrad) (2041) Liberty, Eastwood, Jefferson County.
8. Homotrypa austini Bassler (2040) Liberty, Eastwood Jefferson County.
9-10. Rhombotrypa subquadrata (Ulrich) (2039) Waynesville, Oxford,
11. Rhombotrypa quadrata (Rominger) (2046) Liberty, Eastwood, Jefferson County, Ky.
12. Protarea richmondensis Foerste (2044) Liberty, Eastwood, Jefferson County, Ky.
13. Columnaria alveolata (2094) X 0.6 Basal Liberty, Eastwood, Jefferson County, Ky. (See IV, 6).