Palaeozoics of NE Queensland: Broken River region

11 - 17 July 2002

Post-Meeting Field Excursion 5 of the First International Palaeontological Congress 2002

led by John A. Talent, Ruth Mawson, Andrew J. Simpson & Glenn A. Brock

Macquarie University

Photos copyrighted 2002 by Don Chesnut, unless otherwise indicated

Day One (July 11)

Day Two (July 12)

Day Three (July 13)

Day Four (July 14)

Day Five (July 15)

Day Six (July 16)


Information is from the field trip leaders and from the following guidebook:

Talent, J.A., Mawson, R., Simpson A.J. & Brock, G.A., 2002, Palaeozoics of NE Queensland: Broken River Region: Ordovician--Carboniferous of the Townsville hinterland: Broken River and Camel Creek regions, Burdekin and Clarke River basins. International Palaeontological Congress 2002 (IPC2002) Field Excursion Guidebook, Macquarie University Centre for Ecostratigraphy and Palaeobiology Special Publication No. 1, Sydney, 82 pp.

All misinformation can be entirely attributed to me and I welcome corrections. Thank you. Don Chesnut
