20-27 July 2002
Post-Meeting Field Excursion 6 of the First International Palaeontological Congress 2002
led by Phillip E. Playford
Geological Survey of Western Australia
Photos copyrighted 2002 by Don Chesnut, unless otherwise indicated
Cable Beach at Broome
Cable Beach at Broome
Cable Beach at Broome, Gordon "Boots" Baird
Boab "Prison Tree" lunch stop on road to Fitzroy's Crossing
Boab "Prison Tree" lunch stop
Mimbi Springs campsite, Bugle Gap, east of Fitzroy's Crossing
Day Two
Mimbi Springs campsite, Bugle Gap, morning preview
Stop 1, Emanuel Range
Locality 1, dipping fore reef of the Sadler Limestone
Locality 1, reef-flat Pillara Limestone and dipping Sadler Limestone
Locality 1, dipping fore reef of the Sadler Limestone
Locality 1, dipping fore reef of the Sadler Limestone
Locality 1, reef-flat Pillara Limestone with corals and stromoporoids, fossil ice-cream cone is a stromotoporoid
Locality 1, Sadler Limestone with atrypid brachiopods
Locality 1, looking back at locality 1 from locality 3; to the left is the horizontal-bedded Pillara Ls., to the right, the dipping Sadler Ls.
Locality 2, silicified fossils
Locality 2, silicified fossils
Locality 2, silicified fossils
Locality 2, silicified fossils
Locality 2, abundant Amphipora, a stick-like stromoporoid
Stop 2, Wade Knoll pinnacle reef
pinnacle reef, Pillara Ls.
pinnacle reef: concentrically-dipping, marginal-slope facies represented by the Sadler Ls. in the upper part of phote; pinnacle-reef facies of the Pillara Ls. in lower half.
pinnacle reef and associated facies: upper half of photo (i.e., more distant) shows basinal facies of Gogo Fm.; concentrically-dipping beds are beds of the Sadler Ls.; lowermost part of photo is the Pillara Ls., representing the pinnacle reef.
branching, columnar stromatolite, in the Pillara Ls.
Stop 3, Lloyd Hill, pinnacle reef
inside reef platform, atoll-like form is an artifact of differential dissolution of the interior of the platform
Pillara Ls., platform facies, Renalcis, algae and stromoporoids
walking through gap in rim, unknown tree
Cotton Tree, yellow blooms, cotton-covered seeds used as body decoration by aborigines.
Stop 4, Glenister Knolls, patch reefs
Sphaerocodium and stromotoporoids; patch reefs on lee side of pinnacle reefs
Stop 5, Gogo Formation, abundant fossil-bearing nodules and goniatites such as these.
Stop 6, McIntyre Knolls, allocthonous blocks (i.e., they came from somewhere else)
allocthonous block (the hill) now in Virgin Hills Formation; blocks from collapsed Lawford Range platform.
debris-flow deposits in the Virgin Hills Fm., hammer for scale
close examination of debris-flow deposits
Day Three
Information is from the field trip leaders and from the unpublished guidebook
All misinformation can be entirely attributed to me and I welcome corrections. Thank you. Don Chesnut