- Affirmed
- Afleet Alex
- Alydar
- Alysheba
- Amberoid
- Apollo
- Aristides
- Bail Out Becky
- Barbaro
- Big Brown
- Bimelech
- Birdstone
- Bold Forbes
- Cavalcade
- Charismatic
- Chateaugay
- Cigar
- Citation
- Count Fleet
- Curlin
- Damascus
- Dark Star
- Duke of Magenta
- Dust Commander
- Eight Belles
- Exterminator
- Feather Marange
- Friar Rock
- Funny Cide
- Gallant Fox
- Genuine Risk
- Go And Go
- Go for Gin
- Henry of Navarre
- Honest Pleasure
- Iron Liege
- John Henry
- Judge Himes
- Kyleidoscope
- Little Current
- Man o' War
- Mine That Bird
- Monarchos
- Nancy Hanks
- Native Dancer
- Northern Dancer
- Omaha
- Personal Ensign
- Phar Lap
- Rags to Riches
- Regret
- Risen Star
- Riva Ridge
- Ruffian
- Running Debt
- Sadie B Fast
- Seabiscuit
- Seattle Slew
- Secretariat
- Sir Barton
- Smarty Jones
- Storm Cat
- Stroll
- Stroll Me Out
- Summer Squall
- Tabasco Cat
- Unbridled
- War Admiral
- Whirlaway
- Winning Colors
- Whiskery
- Woodland Shore
- Zafari
- Zev
- Retired Horses
- Burgoo King
- Tim Tam
- Abba
- Beatles
- Charo
- Dylan
- Elvis
- Fleetwood Mac
- Greatful Dead
- Hendrix
- Joplin
- Kinks
- Liberace
- Meatloaf
- Nirvana
- Oasis
- Pink Floyd
- Queen
- Radiohead
- Stones
- Turtles
- U2
- Van Halen
- Who
- Yo Yo Ma
- Zappa
- Airplane
- Batman
- Casablanca
- Dracula
- Excalibur
- Fargo
- Ghandi
- Hairspray
- Ishtar
- Jaws
- Kingpin
- Legend
- Moonstruck
- Nosferatu
- Octopussy
- Psycho
- Quills
- Rocky
- Spartacus
- Twister
- Unforgiven
- Vertigo
- Willow
- Xanadu
- Yentle
- Zoolander
- Aluminum
- Bronze
- Copper
- Dubnium
- Europium
- Fernico
- Gold
- Holmium
- Iron
- Judas Priest
- Kryptonite
- Llead
- Mercury
- Nickel
- Osmium
- Platinum
- Quicksilver
- Rubidium
- Silver
- Titanium
- Upsidaisium
- Vitallium
- Widia
- X
- Ytterbium
- Zink
- Albatross
- Bunting
- Cardinal
- Dove
- Egret
- Falcon
- Guinea
- Hummingbird
- Ibis
- Jaybird
- Kingfisher
- Loon
- Magpie
- Nuthatch
- Osprey
- Penguin
- Quail
- Robin
- Sparrow
- Titmouse
- Uralowl
- Vulture
- Wren
- Xaviersgreenbul
- Yellowbelliedwarbler
- Zebrafinch