Fact Sheet
Data format
Oil and Gas Well Electronic Data Format
Format of definitions list: FIELD NAME (Type), Start Column, Number of columns, Notes
Data types
umeric, digits 0 to 9 only
lphanumeric, mixed digits and alphabetic characters A to Z
ext, any printable ASCII character allowed
haracter, alphabetic characters A to Z only
ate, date string of type DD-MMM-YYYY
RECNO (N), 001, 07, KGS unique identifier
PERMIT (A), 008, 07, Assigned by Dept. Mines ∓ Mins.
OPERATOR (T), 015, 32, Owner of right to drill well
WELLNO (T), 047, 06, Assigned by operator
FARMNAME (T), 053, 32, Farm or lease name
COUNTY (C), 085, 12, Kentucky county name
NSFEET (N), 097, 04, Footage from north or south line
NORS (C), 101, 03, "FNL" (from north line) or "FSL" (from south line)
EWFEET (N), 104, 04, Footage from east or west line
EORW (C), 108, 03, "FEL" (from east line) or "FWL" (from west line)
SECTION (N), 111, 02, Carter coordinate 1-min. section
LETTER (C), 113, 02, Carter coordinate 5-min. letter
NUMBER (N), 115, 02, Carter coordinate 5-min. number
ELEV (N), 117, 05, Ground level elevation of well
TD (N), 122, 05, Total depth of well
TDFM (A), 127, 08, Formation penetrated at the total depth
WODD (C), 135, 04, Work over or drilled deeper
CLASS (C), 139, 04, Exploratory/development class
RESULT (C), 143, 03, Type of completion
PLUGGED (C), 146, 02, Plugged or abandoned
CDATE (D), 148, 11, Date of completion of well
POOL (C), 159, 20, Name of pool if any
REMARKS (T), 179, 19, Whatever won't fit in production
GAUGE1 (A), 198, 11, Initial potential
TOP1 (N), 209, 05, Top of completion interval
BOTTOM1 (N), 214, 05, Bottom of completion interval
PAY1 (A), 219, 08, Name of pay formation
GAUGE2 (A), 227, 11, Initial potential
TOP2 (N), 238, 05, Top of completion interval
BOTTOM2 (N), 243, 05, Bottom of completion interval
PAY2 (A), 248, 08, Name of pay formation
GAUGE3 (A), 256, 11, Initial potential
TOP3 (N), 267, 05, Top of completion interval
BOTTOM3 (N), 272, 05, Bottom of completion interval
PAY3 (A), 277, 08, Name of pay formation
ELOGS (T), 285, 20, List of wireline logs on file
TOPO (T), 305, 30, USGS 7.5-min., 1:24,000 topo
Brandon C. Nuttall / E-mail to
/ last modified 21-Sep-1998