Contact: Brandon Nuttall
The oil and gas maps of Kentucky are provided as Adobe Acrobat pdf documents. Visit Adobe for the Acrobat reader and browser plugins. The maps are large-format documents and require an E-size plotter to print. To plot:
You can download the components to make your own oil and gas map of a particular area. Map components are provided as ArcView shape files and require GIS software for viewing. If you don't have a GIS software package, you will need to download ArcExplorer (for free).
These files are supplied in decimal latitude and longitude (NAD83). The faults and surface geology were derived from the 1:500,000-scale sesquicentennial edition of the geologic map of Kentucky compiled by M.C. Noger (1988). Use these coverages with caution at scales larger than 1:500,000.
For information on ordering hard copy versions of these maps, contact:
Publication Sales
Kentucky Geological Survey
228 MMRB
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0107
Phone: (859) 257-3896