Congress Needs You: Communicating With Your Washington Legislators
Sunday, September 25, 2016, 9:00 am-12:30 pm
Hyatt Regency Hotel (convention hotel, map)
Energy and science concepts and data are important to current and ongoing legislative and regulatory issues. For example, whether and how Congress should act against EPA's new emissions rules or annual funding levels for induced seismicity research at the U.S. Geological Survey. As a petroleum profession you are a potential source of valued science and technical information, but you have to start the communication.
This seminar will provide the information you need to communicate with your senators and representatives and become a trusted resource. Take-aways include online information resources, contact information for legislators and staff involved in energy issues, and bill tracking and budget resources.
This short course is directed toward geoscience professionals and students, and energy lawyers interested in influencing government policy or seeking insights into how Congress works. After completion, course participants will:
- Be familiar with key policymakers shaping legislative and regulatory issues that affect petroleum geologists
- Know how to arrange a meeting with their senator or representative
- Have the resources to tailor the discussion to a particular legislator's interest
"How the System Works" with Edith Allison (Director, AAPG Geoscience and Energy Policy Office, Washington, DC) will cover the major players, authorization and appropriation bills, federal agencies, sources of information about congress, and key contacts
"Communicating with Congress" a panel discussion and Q&A to include: J. Tyler White (District Director for Congressman Andy Barr, KY 6th District), Brydon Ross (Consumer Energy Alliance), Eric King (University of Kentucky Director of Federal Relations), Pete Mackenzie (AAPG member and advocate), and Liz Edmondston (Director of Energy and Environment Policy, Council of State Governments)
"Logistics of Your Congressional Meeting", Edith Allison will cover ways to deliver your message: meeting formats-Washington or local district office; inviting your legislator to an event; and, developing your own 5-minute message.
- Edith Allison, Director, AAPG Geoscience and Energy Policy Office, Washington, DC, 4220 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22302
- Ms. Allison directs AAPG's Washington office, assisting policymakers with science information and helping AAPG members communicate with policy leaders.